Year 2023/24

ICT Moving Forward 2023

Getting a first phone for children is a significant milestone in today's digital age. It is important for both children and parents to be prepared for this new responsibility. Here are some key points to consider:

Creating rich media content involves incorporating advanced elements and features that encourage users to interact with the content, such as video, audio, animation and more.

Exploring the negative impacts of technology on children and students such as health aspects, social skills and the ability to focus.

Spreading the Word

Presentation of our work and research - Disseminating it through the community.

Final Presentations

Final project - AI in education group 1.pdf

Artificial intelligence (AI) lets machines learn and solve problems. In classrooms, AI can personalize instruction, provide better feedback, and streamline teachers' workloads.

However, it's crucial to be aware of AI's limitations. It can reflect biases in its training data, potentially hindering critical thinking if overused, and raise concerns about student data privacy.

By understanding both the benefits and potential drawbacks of AI, educators can harness this powerful tool responsibly to enhance student learning without compromising ethics or critical thought.

Albana. AI in preschool.pdf

AI can transform preschool learning! By integrating with existing apps and tools, AI can help personalize activities, making them more fun and engaging.  Imagine AI-powered storybooks that adapt to a child's interests or digital drawing tools that provide creative suggestions. 

AI can also help teachers track individual progress, identify areas for support, and tailor their approach.  While careful attention to privacy is essential.  AI has the potential to unlock a world of exciting, individualized learning experiences for our youngest learners.

Tech Presentation.pdf

Managing iPad screen time is vital for healthy development. The World Health Organization (WHO) offers guidelines, and case studies highlight the importance of setting limits. Teachers and guardians can work together to promote balanced iPad use.

 Strategies include designated tech-free zones, encouraging  outdoor play, and prioritizing hands-on activities.  Apps that track screen time can also be helpful tools. By fostering healthy tech habits, we can ensure iPads remain valuable learning resources without impacting children's overall well-being.

Focus - Eliminating distractions.pdf

There are, in our thought, two ways of removing noise from technology. Firstly, you can remove the technology altogether to increase focus on the task at hand.  While effective, this approach isn't always practical. 

For this presentation, we'll explore the second option: how to eliminate distractions and increase focus while actively using technology. This involves strategies to manage notifications, create optimal work environments, and use tools that promote concentration within the digital space itself.

Thoughts and Comments

We should be transparent with the use of any new tools, especially AI. Both learners and teachers should model it's use and highlight areas where it has been used. This could be research, ideas hunting, lesson planning and much more.

AI will not take our jobs away, but it will make the tasks we do by the hour, day, or week more efficient. This should give us more time to focus on the individual learner in a compassionate and caring way.

The well-being of each individual is crucial to the learning process for both learners and teachers. Taking the time to reflect, evaluate, and rest helps the body and mind recharge and function optimally. By prioritizing well-being, we create a more supportive and effective learning environment for everyone involved.

Education empowered by AI has the potential to revolutionize learning by tailoring experiences to each learner's path. AI can adapt instruction to address specific problems a student encounters, while also nurturing their individual passions and interests. This personalized approach allows for deeper focus on areas of strength or weakness, ultimately creating a more engaging and effective learning journey for every student.

Preschool Plans

Angelina Erving Quintanilla - Futuraskolan ICT Moving Forward 2023/24


Sasa Slavnic - Futuraskolan ICT Moving Forward 2023/24


Jimmy Zakhur - Futuraskolan ICT Moving Forward 2023/24


Albana Jerasi - Futuraskolan ICT Moving Forward 2023/24


Maryam Nayyer - Futuraskolan ICT Moving Forward 2023/24


Ritu Singla - Futuraskolan ICT Moving Forward 2023/24

Näsby Park

School Plans

Rachel Harris - Futuraskolan ICT Moving Forward 2023/24


Daria Kusmierczuk - Futuraskolan ICT Moving Forward 2023/24


Mahwish Irfan - Futuraskolan ICT Moving Forward 2023/24


Sheetal Jalan - Futuraskolan ICT Moving Forward 2023/24


Duncan Matheson - Futuraskolan ICT Moving Forward 2023/24


Luisa Rodrigues - Futuraskolan ICT Moving Forward 2023/24

Hertig Karl

Javier Nigård - Futuraskolan ICT Moving Forward 2023/24
