AI Module 1 Introduction

In education we need to adapt to the times - 

Consider how efficient, practical and timesaving the tools available  can be 

Similar to the internal combustion engine and personal computer a revolution like what AI is offering will shake up the world as we know it today.

An estimated 300 million jobs globaly could be lost or impacted significantly by the adoption of AI in the workplace, but as demonstrated through history new and emerging jobs are also created or enhanced.

In the past it took 10 years for society to adept to these new tools, but current predictions for AI will be closer to 3 years. 

The idea behind using technology for to aid humen evoultion is not a new concept and has been present for centuries.

With the introduction of deep fakes, speach to text and text to speach tools we started to see where this technology could take us. It is here now and we should embrace it andlearn touse it.


Cheating on tests,  assignments, homework.

Facts are not checked/ less critical.

More copy/ paste.

Laziness in research

Forget proper gramatical structure in composing work.

Content theft.


Support in writting training.

Conversation in languages.

Flashcard creation for revision.

Less administration.

Advanced critical thinking.

Modeling assessment for the future.

How do they work

"GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a type of large language model (LLM) neural network that can perform various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. It works by using a neural network that has been trained on a massive amount of data. The model is pre-trained on a large corpus of text, which allows it to understand and produce natural language. GPT-3 is a language prediction model that can take input text and transform it into what it predicts will be the most likely output. It predicts the next token given a sequence of tokens and can do so for NLP tasks it hasn't been trained on."

Description from PerplexityAI

Prompts (Input)
