Digitala nationella prov


Login to Skolverkets exam platform here:


Futuraskolan Eventful Skolpass

BankID - login

Open BankID when prompted and scan the QR code

Assessment Master

After being logged on you will see various modules based on your role within Skolverkets exam platform.

Manager Module

Here you will find the overview dashboard showing statistics, registered tests, a summary and schedule.


Here is a list of learners, their teaching groups from SchoolSoft and the subject of the exam.  Learners are assigned the exam they will be taking.

Under assigend testlets the chosen exams will be shown.


Teachers who have access to the platform will be found under this tab with various roles to be allocated.

AM Marker

Assign markers, who is doing what and how much. Qotas and tasks can be set for groups and induviduals.

AM Teacher

The reports section, when everything else is all done.
