Play Dough Recipe

No-Cook Play Dough Recipe

Ingredient List:

2 Cups Plain, all-purpose flour

2 Tablespoons vegetable oil

2 Tablespoons cream of tartar

1/2 cup of salt (I know it's a lot!)

1 to 1.5 cups boiling water

Food coloring (optional)

Essential Oil (optional, any scent you like!)

Glycerin (liquid, can find in makeup aisle)

No-Cook Instructions:

Boil water, set aside while you mix other ingredients.

In a large mixing bowl - mix flour, salt, cream of tartar and oil until combined. (I found mixing with hands, with disposable gloves on is easiest!)

Next, to the boiling water add food coloring, just a drop or two, and essential oil, just a drop if using. Slowly add boiling water to the flour mixture, you may not need it all. Dough will become very sticky. Start mixing with a spoon then move to using your hands. You don't want to burn your hands with the boiling water! (I found mixing with my hands, with disposable gloves on is easiest!)

Then add the Glycerine (optional).

Finally, allow it to cool down then take it out of the bowl and knead it for a few minutes until all the stickiness is gone. This takes a while and you have to use your muscles! If it is too sticky you can add just a little flour, not too much or your play dough will be crumbly!