
Sawnee Math Team 2021-2022
Math League Competition 7th Place

Sawnee Math Team - 2023-24

Tryouts for the 23-24 season will be in August and information regarding math team will be sent home then. VISIT our MATH TEAM website!

Sawnee Math Team - 2022-23

If you love math, can persevere through challenges, and want to have fun with friends, consider joining and trying out for the Sawnee Math Team!


What does the Math Team do? 


Members of the team work to solve fun, challenging non-routine math problems with other students. Individually, you compete with your teammates to be the team winner of two different math contests. Together as a team, you compete against other math teams to test your mathematical thinking. 



Pi Fight 2022
Pi Fight 2022

PI Day - March 14th - 3.14

What is pi? No, it's not a delicious pastry with yummy fillings baked to perfection.  The circumference divided by the diameter of a circle is always pi π, no matter how large or small the circle is!

Pi = 3.14159...

In 2000 BC the Babylonians and Egyptians had rough numerical approximations to the value of pi. In ancient Greece, Archimedes, refined this approximation even further.  In 1706 William Jones used the Greek letter π to abbreviate the long number for pi.  Today, thanks to computers, we now know more than the first six billion digits of pi.

Pi Celebration Ideas -

Math Team
Tangram - Math Exploration

Math - 

Mathematics, or math, is the study of numbers and how they are related to each other and to the real world. Math is a kind of language. Everyone uses math every day—to tell time, to play games, to cook, to build things, and to do almost any kind of work.

A great resource for math is the Greg Tang Website.

Scales - Grab a Gram
24 Game

Tangram - 

A tangram is a puzzle made up of seven shapes that can be arranged to form many different designs. ... A tangram has seven pieces: five triangles, one square, and one parallelogram. 

Try out a virtual tangram on the Tangram Channel website.

Time - 

Time is the ongoing sequence of events taking place. The past, present and future. The basic unit of time is the second. There are also minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. We can measure time using clocks. 

Take some time to explore TIME!

Grab a Gram - 

Grab a Gram is a fun Science Olympiad event.  In the Science Olympiad event you have a team of two and you work together to "grab" 50 grams worth of a material. It could be anything from pennies, paper clips, cereal or even sand!  The total mass of the substance plus container must be 50 grams or under.  If you run over then the amount you went over is subtracted from 50. Negatives are not allowed so if you really go over then it would just equal 0 for that round. You have 2 chances to make a total of 100 points. Whoever get's closest to 100 wins!

24 Game - 

The 24 Game is a Science Olympiad event.  Participants use problem solving skills combined with their knowledge of mathematics (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to make the number 24 using the 4 numbers provide on the game cards.

Each team will be provided with a set of 30 game cards and each team will be provided with the exact same set of cards. They may solve them in any order they choose.  Participants will write out the complete solution (all three steps) to arrive at 24 on paper provided for each cards.  The game cards will be varying degrees of difficulty (1 dot, 2 dot, and 3 dot cards).  Single digit and double digit game cards requiring addition, subtraction, multiplication and division will be used. The score will be based on each correctly solved card will be worth 2 points. partial credit will not be provided.  Correct responses will be multiplied by the dot value of the cards, 1 dot, 2 dots, or 3 dots. Total points scored will be added together for a final score.  Time will be used as a tie breaker.  The 24 Game is a registered trademark of Suntex International - 24 Game