
rain showers

April Showers Brings Earthworms!

Did you ever wonder....

Why do earthworms come to the surface after it rains?

Have you ever walked on the sidewalk after a spring rain and noticed that the ground is covered in earthworms? If you answered yes, did you ever wonder why?

Common Earthworms are invertebrates that create tunnels in the soil by burrowing. Burrowing into the soil allows air, water and nutrients to reach deep within the soil. Earthworms eat the soil which has organic matter such as decaying vegetation or leaves. After the organic matter is digested the earthworm releases waste from their bodies called castings. Their castings contain many nutrients that the plants can use. People can use the castings as garden fertilizer.

Scientists used to think that they would come to the surface to avoid drowning in their underground burrows. This is NOT true. " Earthworms are unable to drown like a human would, and they can even survive several days fully submerged in water."

Soil experts now think earthworms surface during rain storms for migration purposes. Also, some species of earthworms come to the surface to mate. "Another explanation involves rain drop vibrations on the soil surface sounding similar to predator vibrations, like that of moles. Earthworms often come to the surface to escape moles."