Rube Goldberg

Rube Goldberg -

"RUBE GOLDBERG (1883-1970) was a cartoonist, an inventor, and the only person ever to be listed in Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary as an adjective. Of the nearly 50,000 cartoons he drew in his lifetime, Rube is best known for the zany contraptions of Professor Butts. These inventions, also known as Rube Goldberg Machines, solved a simple task in the most over-complicated, inefficient, and hilarious way possible." For more information about Rube Goldberg visit the website dedicated to his memory.

Sawnee students rose to the challenge to create their very own Rube Goldberg! Watch this video to see a student show an old dog a new trick!

Rube Goldberg Challenge 2020

Sawnee Elementary's Rube Goldberg Challenge!

Sawnee Elementary's Rube Goldberg Challenge

Want more Rube Goldberg Challenges - Try the Bar of Soap Challenge!

Sawnee Elementary's Rube Goldberg Soap Challenge!