
Leonardo da Vinci - Met Museum

Art -

The "A" in STEAM Stands for Art!

Art encompasses so many ideas from painting, music, design, dance, theater and literature ... art naturally fits into STEM by allowing people the creativity to explore and express themselves. For the student, Art can help them to be a more flexible thinker, it can spark innovation, enhance problem-solving skills and collaboration.

A well know pioneer of combining Art with Engineering is Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo, lived from 1452 to 1519, he was an Italian artist, engineer and scientist. To learn more about this amazing person visit Britannica Online for Kids! Freehand sketching and computer-aided design are important skills for a modern day engineer to help them to visualize what they are creating or working on. So be a creative-problem solver!

Drawing -

If you enjoy drawing or even if you're new to drawing a fun place to visit is Art for Kids Hub. You can draw along with Rob and his kids. Remember, anything worth doing takes PRACTICE! Don't get upset if your drawing doesn't turn out exactly like theirs. It's OK for yours to look different. Different is great, it shows your individuality!

STEAM Art Ideas -


Coffee Filter Flowers

Fizzy Rainbows

Paper Plate Marble Maze

Marbled Milk Paper - watch the video!

Water Bottle Wind Spirals
Marker Paint
Chia-Pet Heads

Earth Day - STEAM Art Ideas! -

These projects are fun to do anytime of the year. But show your enthusiasm for Earth Day by doing some of these fun ideas.

Water Bottle Wind Spirals -

Create these beautiful wind spirals by reusing water bottles! Visit this site to learn how to create your own Wind Spirals.

Marker Paint -

We all have old, dried markers laying around the house. Turn them into paint! Visit Picklebums to find out how to re-purpose old markers.

Chia-Pet Heads -

Create these adorable chia-pet heads! Visit Doodle Craft to find instructions on creating these cute, little plant friends!

Nature Art -

You can create nature art anytime of the year! Get inspired with these beautiful examples of how you can turn things you find in nature into beautiful works of art!

Nature Art
Butterfly Nature Art
Butterfly Nature Art
Musical Notes
40,000 Year Old Bone Flute
Child's Brain with Music

Music -

Humans have been making music for a very long time! One of the oldest musical instruments ever found is a 40,000 year old bone flute that was unearthed from a cave in Europe. Even before then humans may have been making music with their voice. Neanderthals had similar vocal structures to ours and may have been able to sing. They could have sung to help keep large groups together and to pass information. Music naturally relates to STEAM and STEM! Music is a powerful platform for teaching skills in most subjects to learners of all ages. Music includes singing, playing an instrument, listening to sounds and so much more. Music enhances the process of learning. Children learn and train their ability to notice, hear, match, and identify pitch, tone, volume, rhythm, patterning, among many other things. Music stimulates parts of the brain that include creativity and happiness. Music instruction appears to accelerate brain development in young children, particularly in the areas of the brain responsible for processing sound, language development, speech perception and reading skills. The concepts of music — notes, chords, key signatures, time signatures — are built upon strong mathematical principles. The science behind musical notes, their frequencies, and resultant sound waves can be explored by you and your child.

Middle School and High School Bands -

Sawnee Elementary is fortunate to feed into Liberty Middle, Hendricks Middle and Otwell Middle schools. West Forsyth High, Central High and North High schools all have wonderful band music programs. To find out more about Liberty Middle school's band visit their website - Liberty Middle Band. To learn more about Hendricks Middle school's band program visit their website - Hendricks Middle Band. JOIN HENDRICKS MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND! To learn more about Otwell Middle school's band program visit - Otwell Middle Band. To learn more about West Forsyth High school's band program, please visit their website - West Forsyth Band.

Liberty Middle School Band
Hendricks Middle School Band - Forsyth County


Liberty Middle School Band
Liberty Middle School Band
Liberty Middle School Band

West Forsyth High School Marching Band -

West Forsyth High School Pit
West Forsyth High School Marching Band
West Forsyth High School Marching Band 2019
Musical Instruments
Music Tempo
Mozart Requiem Sheet Music

Music Vocabulary -

Tone A single musical sound of specific pitch, also known as a note.

Pitch The musical quality of a tone, sounding higher or lower based on the frequency of its sound waves.

Resonance Amplification of a musical tone by interaction of sound vibrations with a surface or enclosed space.

Volume The pressure of sound vibrations, heard in terms of the loudness of music.

Tempo The pace of a composition’s performance, not tied to individual notes. Often measured in beats per minute.

Rhythm An arrangement of tones of different duration and stresses.

Melody A succession of individual tones arranged to musical effect, aka a tune.

Chord Two or more tones sounded simultaneously. Chords are the ingredients of harmony.

Harmony The musical arrangement of chords. Harmony is the organization of tones played simultaneously.

Vibrato A small, rapid modulation in the pitch of a tone.

PBS Kids Music Games

Music Games -

Visit PBS Kids Music Games to play games related to music!