Outdoor Classroom

Sawnee Elementary Black Bear
In Memory - Library dedicated to Ruthie Pedarre

Outdoor Classroom -

We have some new changes in the garden! Look who's "hanging" out in the tree! Check back soon for some new pictures!

Sawnee Elementary has a beautiful and engaging outdoor classroom. The former STEM teacher, Mrs. Brenda Mahoney, along with help from teachers, students and parents transformed Sawnee's outdoor space into an inviting, workable teaching environment.

Sawnee Elementary Chicken
Sawnee Elementary Chicken Coop
Sawnee Elementary Rooster
Sawnee Elementary Chicken Coop

Sawnee Elementary Bench - Dr. Nix
Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classroom
Teacher Rock Painting
Outdoor Classroom
Sawnee Outdoor Learning Classroom
Sawnee STEAM
Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classroom Seating
Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classroom Stumps
Outdoor Classroom
Fall 2020 Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classroom Planters
Bulb Planting
Bulb Planting
Sawnee Elementary Rock Stream
Sawnee Gazebo
Keep Forsyth County Beautiful
Brenda Mahoney - Educator of the Year

Keep Forsyth Beautiful -

Keep Forsyth County Beautiful (KFCB) is a local affiliate of the national Keep America Beautiful program and the state Keep Georgia Beautiful program.

KFCB recognized one of Sawnee's teachers, Mrs. Brenda Mahoney, she was voted Educator of the Year 2018-2019 for her outdoor improvements to Sawnee Elementary.