Helping Hands

Helping Hands Ending Hunger: Kids Helping Kids


  • Addressing Food Insecurity/Poverty - healthy food for family meals; weekly distributions for weekends/school breaks

  • Effecting Education Differences - healthier, happier, more focused students; improved test scores; dramatically improved student attendance; outreach to communities

  • Changing School Climate - reduced food waste; reduced carbon emissions; Social-Emotional Learning platform; creating a sense of community with sustainability/solutions

Helping Hands is a non-profit organization that allows students to donate unused food to be distributed to those in need. Sawnee Elementary is proud to be starting this initiative in it's 3rd through 5th grade building. Students will volunteer to help collect and sort un-used food products from their peers.

Sawnee Elementary will be donating food to families in need, and to local non-profits like the Place of Forsyth.