Physical and Chemical Change

Physical and Chemical Changes - Thought Co.

Physical Change -

Physical change is when matter changes form but not chemical make-up. Experiments you can do to explore physical change include chromatography, cutting or shredding paper, melting an ice cube.

Chromatography - Is a Separation Technique.

You can do chromatography at home! All you need is a coffee filter and a black marker (washable markers work best) and some water. Draw a dot or some lines on the coffee filter then place part of the coffee filter in water. Capillary action causes the water to move through the coffee filter and as the water comes in contact with the ink it will separate into different colors. What colors do you see?

Physical and Chemical Change
Elephant Toothpaste - Chemical Change
Chemical Change
Fizzy Volcano
Always Wear Goggles - Chemical Changes

Chemical Change - Adults Need to Help!

Chemical change is a process in which a substance is changed into a different substance. Examples of chemical change that you can try at home is making slime, baking soda volcano, or fizzy rainbows. When you mix certain ingredients together you get something new! To make and observe chemical changes, please make sure you always have an ADULT present or helping you and wear protective clothing, gloves and eye protection. SOME CHEMICAL CHANGES CAN BE DANGEROUS!

Snow -

Making your own snow is easy! First get a large plastic container, 3 cups of baking soda and 1/2 cup of inexpensive, white hair conditioner. Mix the baking soda and hair conditioner together and you have instant snow! (DO NOT EAT THE SNOW!)

Slime -

We all love slime! Many of you have made it at home. For those of you who are new to slime you can visit this website, The Best Ideas for Kids, to get a great recipe for making your own slime at home!

Baking Soda Volcano -

Baking soda volcanoes are messy but so much fun to watch! This is a cool, outside, color changing volcano. Visit Preschool Inspirations website to watch a video and for instructions on how to make your own baking soda volcano. Simple ingredients: water, baking soda, dish soap and washable paint.

Fizzy Rainbows -

Fizzy rainbows are a fun way to learn about chemical change and even your little one's can experiment and learn about these changes. The chemical reaction between baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (dilute acetic acid) generates carbon dioxide gas, sodium acetate, and water.

Play Dough -

You can buy play dough in the store but why not make it at home instead! Making play dough is easy and with this simple no-cook recipe you will have loads of fun making and playing with your own home-made play dough!

Elephant Toothpaste -

Elephant toothpaste creates a giant foaming reaction. Elephant toothpaste should be made by an adult! Ingredients that you will need:

Dry Yeast

Warm Water

Food Coloring

Liquid Dish Soap

3% Hydrogen Peroxide

Safety Glasses

Measuring cups and spoons

Empty Plastic bottle

Large Tub or Tray to catch the foam

Should probably be done outside!!! It will make a mess!!

For instructions on how to make Elephant toothpaste visit the Scientific American website. You can also follow these easy steps:

Adults Only (Kids can assist but an adult should be the one to make and supervise.)

  1. Always wear safety goggles!

  2. Measure and set aside 2 TBSP of warm water in a small bowl.

  3. Add 1 tsp dry yeast to the warm water and stir well.

  4. Add to soda bottle, 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide, squirt of dish soap, 4 to 5 drops of food coloring and mix well.

  5. Add warm water and yeast mixture to the soda bottle and stand back!

You should do this experiment outside or where you can clean up the mess easily.