Updates on the SLS

Release 14 & 15

Features from SLS Release 15 (23 June 2021)

View the following information to familiarise yourselves with the new features and updates on the Student Learning Space (SLS) for Release 15 (on 23 June 2021).

1. Release 15 - Students' USer Guide

New Features in R15 (Students' Guide) (1).pdf

Credits: Harley Li, SG Learning Designers Circles, 26 June

2. Release 15 - New Features of the release

(1 of 2) e-Poster for Students.pdf
(2 of 2) e-Poster for Students.pdf

3. Release 14 - New Features of the release

(1_4) e-Poster for Students.pdf
(2_4) e-Poster for Students.pdf
(3_4) e-Poster for Students.pdf
(4_4) e-Poster for Students.pdf