Barros, Sérgio / Costa, Rute / Soares, António Lucas / Silva, Manuel (2012). “Integrating terminological methods in a Framework for collaborative development of semi-formal ontologies”, [António Lucas Soares / Costa, Rute (ed.)], Proceedings of the Workshop on ColabTKR 2012 – Terminology and Knowledge Representation. LREC 2012: Istambul: ELRA. pp. 7-14. [Book] [Peer reviewed].

Costa, Rute (2012) “Débat autour de la norme 1087”, Terminologie & Ontologies : Théories et Applications. Actes de la sixième conférence - TOTh Annecy – 2012. Annecy : Institut Porphyre. Savoie et Connaissance. [Oral presentation] [Peer reviewed]

Costa, Rute / Silva, Manuel / António Lucas Pires (eds.) (2012). Proceedings of the Workshop on Challenges to Knowledge Representation in Multilingual Contexts, TKE 2012: Madrid.

Costa, Rute / Silva, Raquel / Saores de Almeida, Zara (2012) "Cooperation between terminologists and experts in the creation of a Terminology and Textual Database: the context of the Portuguese Parliament.", Nordterm Symposium 2011: Samarbetet ger resultat: fran begreppskaos till överenskomna termer, Vasa, Finland. Jyväskylä: Nordterm. ISBN 978-952-9794-29-4, pp. 9-24.

Costa, Rute / Silva, Raquel / Barros, Sérgio / Soares, António Lucas (2012) “Mediation strategies between terminologists and experts” Terminologies : textes, discours et accès aux savoirs spécialisés. GLAT 2012. GeNOVA. pp. 297-308. ISBN 2-908849-24-0

Costa, Rute / Barros, Sérgio / Silva, Manuel (2012). Task 0 – Support the structuring of individual /organizational initial conceptualization, in Final Report the Project PTDC/EIA—EIA/103779/2008. Semântica Cognitiva em Redes Colaborativas Relatório síntese da execução material – INESC – Porto & CLUNL, 74 p.

Costa, Rute (tradutora). Tradução de Francês para Português da obra de Laurence Louppe [2004] (2012) Poétique de la Danse Contemporaine. Bruxelas: Contredanse, pag. 392: Poética da dança contemporânea. ORFEU NEGRO, 400 p., ISBN 978-989-8327-01-7

Silva, Manuel / Soares, António Lucas / Costa, Rute (2012) «Multilingual Ontology Specification: a collaborative approach» Proceedings of the Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Conference 2012 - New frontiers in the constructive symbiosis of terminology and knowledge engineering. Madrid. ISBN 978-84-695-4333-7, pp.94-105

Silva, Manuel / Soares, António Lucas / Costa, Rute (2012) «Supporting collaboration in mulitlingual ontology specification; the conceptME approach». Proceedings of the TKE 2012 Workshop - Challenges to knowledge representation in multilingual contexts. Madrid, pp. 27-39

Soares, António Lucas / Costa, Rute (eds.), (2012) Proceedings of the Workshop on ColabTKR 2012 – Terminology and Knowledge Representation. LREC 2012: Istambul: ELRA. p. 40

Sousa, Cristóvão / Soares, António Lucas / Pereira, Carla / Costa, Rute (2012) “Supporting the identification of conceptual relations in semi-formal ontology development”, [António Lucas Soares / Costa, Rute (ed.)], Proceedings of the Workshop on ColabTKR 2012 – Terminology and Knowledge Representation. LREC 2012. Istambul: ELRA. pp. 26-32.