2021. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Congreso techLING2021-UVigo-T&P. VI Congreso internacional en lengua, lingüística y tecnología. Universidade de Vigo. Vigo. Spain. 16 e 17 de dezembro 2021.

2021. Membro do Comité Científico das Jornadas Internacionais de Lexiculturologia (JIL2021), ogranizado pelo Grupo 2- Lexicologia, Lexicografia e Terminologia do NOVA CLUNL, 2 e 3 de dezembro 2021.

2021. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 4rd international conference Scientific, administrative and educational dimensions of terminology. Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Vilnius, Lithuania, 21-22 October 2021.

2021. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Association for Computers and the Humanities 2021, 22 – 23 of July 2021 [ACH is the United States-based constituent organization in the Alliance for Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)]. (Online).

2021. Member of the Scientific Committee: LTT Colloque International - 12es Journées du Réseau LTT – Lexicologie, Terminologie, Traduction. « La traduction au service des institutions : outils, expérimentations et innovations pour le multilinguisme » Université de Naples « L’Orientale » 4-5 November 2021.

2021. Member of the Scientific Committee: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing – EMNLP 2021. The Dominican Republic. 7 -11th November 2021

2021. Member of the Scientific Committee: 4th international conference Scientific, administrative and educational dimensions of terminology Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Vilnius, Lithuania, 21-22 October 2021

2021. Member of the Scientific Committee: 10th Conference of the Associação Ibérica de Estudos de Tradução e Interpretação, organziado pela Universidade do Minho. Braga, 17 – 19 of June.

2021. Member of the Steering Committee and Scientific Committer: Conférence TOTh 2021. Terminologie et Ontologie : Théories et Applications, realizado na École d’ingénieurs, Polythech‘ Savoie, em Chambéry, France 4 – 5th of June 2021.