Professional Learning Communities

We believe that having a strong network of professionals makes teaching more manageable, more collaborative, and more fun. Our CTE PLCs are a way to engage in a strong network on a regular basis. Your insights, experiences and ideas are valuable to your PLC.

How do I get connected?

Check with your PLC Teacher Leader for upcoming meeting dates!

CTE Professional Learning Community Leaders

Agriculture: Colin Kubik  --

Business: Shelly Mowinkel --

FCS: Jane Hansmeyer --

STS: Andy Christensen --

Ag PLC Agenda 2022

Ag PLC Meeting Notes and Agendas

2021-22 Business PLC Agendas

BMIT PLC Meeting Notes and Agendas

2021-01-05 FCS PLC Agenda

FCS PLC Meeting Notes and Agendas

STS PLC Agendas 21-22

STS PLC Meeting Notes and Agendas