iOS, Android & Chrome Apps

Apps or applications are pieces of software that can run on the internet, your computer or a mobile device. They are a type of software that allows you to perform specific tasks. In order to encourage higher order thinking with your students help them move beyond simply consuming information on their devices. Students should be using applications to collaborate and create.

Consume - Create - Collaborate



Listen to an audiobook/podcast

(e.g., iTunes, Unite for Literacy Library, Dr. Seuss, StoryNory, Epic! iOS/Android/Chrome for Teachers )

Listen to audio/music

(e.g., AudioBook, iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud iOS/Android, Spotify, Unite for Literacy)



Read Social Media micro-blog streams

(e.g., #edchat, #gra2017, #litchat, #worldreadaloudday)

Scan a QR code to read/view/listen

(e.g., Bakodo iOS/Android and i-nigma iOS/ Android)

Review and read various websites to gather research information

(e.g., Google Doc-> Tools-> Explore)

Read Digital Books

(e.g. Epic! iOS/Android/Chrome, Freading iOS/Android, Hoopla iOS/Android, iBooks, Overdrive iOS/Android



Watch a video

(e.g., Discovery Education Canada, GDrive iOS/Android), Vimeo iOS/Android, YouTube Kids iOS/Android, YouTube iOS/Android

Look at images

(e.g., Flickr, Google Photos, PhotoAlbum, Pixabay, Unsplash)

Access information from the class website/wiki/blog/Google Classroom

(e.g. Edublogs, Google Classroom, Kidblog, Weebly, etc.)

Practice math problems on a website/app

(e.g., Khan Academy iOS/Android, Motion Math, Splash Math, Number Pieces iOS/Chrome)



Use an audio and video application to explain a concept together in a small group

(e.g., Draw and Tell, Explain Everything OS/Android, Educreations, Notability, ShowMe iOS/Chrome,

Live conference with an expert or other classrooms throughout the world

(e.g., FaceTime, Google Meet, Skype)

Peer-supported collaborative writing

(e.g., Google Docs iOS/Android, Google Slides iOS/Android, Padlet iOS, Android)

Add information to a discussion channel

(e.g., Edmodo, FlipGrid iOS/Android), Google Classroom iOS/Android, Polleverywhere, Padlet iOS, Android,

Make a comment on a blog once the group has read and discussed the initial post

(e.g., Blogger, Edublogs, KidBlog, Weebly)

Develop questions and answers to engage fellow classmates in a summary of a particular topic

(e.g., Flat Stanley, Flipgrid iOS/Android, Google Slides iOS/Android, Kahoot iOS/Android/Chrome, Quizlet iOS/Android)



Enter information into a Calendar to keep track of assignments

(e.g., Google Calendar iOS/Android)

Store documents in the cloud to be able to retrieve from any device any time

(e.g., GDrive iOS/Android)

Create a photo collage to demonstrate some aspect of learning

(e.g., Haiku Deck iOS/Chrome, PicCollage iOS/Android)

Create an audio recording to communicate with teacher and parents

(e.g., AudioBoom iOS/ Android, Audionote, Screencastify, SoundCloud iOS/Android)

Reflect on a unit/topic and use an image with caption to summarize, then send to teacher/classroom’s online image site

(e.g., Flickr iOS,/Android, Google Photos, GDrive iOS/Android)

Use a coding app to demonstrate your learning

(e.g., Hopscotch iOS, Scratch Jr iOS/Android) See more info on our Coding and Computational Thinking page.

Use a video recording application to make a video

(e.g., Draw & Tell iOS, ChatterPix iOS, FlipGrid iOS/Android, iMovie iOS, Puppet Pals iOS, Sock Puppets iOS, Spark Video iOS/Android, Toontastic iOS/Android, Videolicious iOS/Android )

Develop a mindmap for an upcoming story project

(e.g., Educreations, MindMeister Android/Chrome, Popplet iOS, ShowMe)

Design a book jacket poster to summarize a story/unit studied in class

(e.g., Spark Post, Canva iOS/Android, Big Huge Labs, GlogsterEdu iOS/Android, Google Slides iOS/Android, WordFoto iOS)

Demonstrate your learning via drawing

(e.g., Doodle Buddy iOS, Singing Fingers iOS)

Write a blog post for the classroom or own individual blog to share ideas and/or reflect on learning

(e.g., Adobe Spark, Dragon Dictate, EasyBlog jr, Google Keep iOS/Android, Keyboarding)

Develop a website/webpage for a class unit of study

(e.g., Adobe Spark, Google Sites, Weebly, Wix)

Create a book to demonstrate the learning of a concept or part of a research project

(e.g., Book Creator iOS/ Chrome, Google Slides iOS/Android)

Demonstrate your learning using Stop Motion or Greenscreening

(e.g., Greenscreen by DoInk iOS, Stop Motion Studio iOS/Android, Touchcast Studio iOS)

Create a digital poster/infographic to share ideas and/or reflect on learning

(e.g., Canva iOS/Android, Padlet iOS/Android, Thinglink iOS/Android)

Create music to share ideas and/or reflect on learning

(e.g., Soundtrap iOS/Android/Chrome)

Additional Resources:

BGSD Digital Tools for Schools - Excellent list of digital tools curated by the team in Black Gold Regional School Division.