Critical Thinking & Managing Information

Uses technology and/or digital learning to:

  • Access, share or store information from a variety of sources effectively and ethically
  • Demonstrate intellectual integrity, fairness and open-mindedness
  • Question and analyze evidence, assertions or assumptions
  • Synthesize thoughts and information to discover, clarify and extend understandings
  • Apply reasoned approaches or relevant criteria to conceptualize, analyze or make judgements

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Outcome 1: Plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits. Critically assess the relevance, bias and validity of information.

Division 1

Teacher models how to make and use a research plan.

Teacher models effective search strategies.

Teacher models how to critically assess and evaluate information.

Division 2

With teacher assistance, students develop and use a research plan.

With teacher guidance, students use effective search strategies.

With teacher guidance, students work with peers to critically assess and evaluate information.

Division 3

Students develop and use an effective research plan.

Students use effective search strategies.

Students work with peers to critically assess and evaluate information.

Division 4

Students develop and use an effective research plan.

Students use effective search strategies.

Students critically assess and evaluate information independently.

Outcome 2: Demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using, respecting, protecting and sharing intellectual property.

Division 1

Teacher models the use of copyright and creative commons appropriately in various situations.

Teacher models citation of content and links to the original source.

Division 2

With teacher guidance, students use copyright and creative commons appropriately in various situations.

With teacher guidance, students cite content and link to the original source.

With teacher guidance, students cite titles and authors of sources alphabetically and provide publication dates.

Division 3

Students use copyright and creative commons appropriately in various situations.

Students cite content and link to the original source.

Students use proper citation formats depending on the source.

Division 4

Students use copyright and creative commons appropriately in various situations.

Students cite content and link to the original source.

Students use proper citation formats depending on the source.

Outcome 3: Build capacity for critical thinking by developing background knowledge and using vocabulary and values associated with critical thinking, placing a greater value on the process of thinking critically rather than task completion.

Division 1

Teacher models how to establish criteria and then critically assess information.

Division 2

Teacher models how to establish criteria and then critically assess information.

Students assess information based on relevant and established criteria.

Division 3

Students assess information based on relevant and established criteria.

Students use information gathered to analyze, explain and create new information to present a synthesis of learning.

Division 4

Students assess information based on relevant and established criteria.

Students use information gathered to analyze, explain and create new information to present a synthesis of learning.


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Citing Sources

Green circle with a check mark inside

Common Sense Media

  • Common Sense Media has lesson plans to help develop strategic search skills as well as information literacy skills. An overview of their search and information literacy lesson plans are available here.
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Media Smarts