The support team are committed to facilitating and running groups that meet the wide range of emotional and social needs within the school community. Resources are obtained from professional agencies and are re-developed by our working groups to create purposeful and engaging programmes that lead to tangible improvements in the experiences and outcomes of our young people at school. Groups are delivered by a combination of our support team, external partner agencies and trained members of the wider teaching staff to ensure adequate provision and high quality delivery.

Wellbeing Mentors 

Our Wellbeing Mentor programme is an extremely effective wellbeing resource available to young people at the school. A significant number of staff in the school have completed training and are able to deliver a syllabus tailored to meet the needs of young people requiring support in this area.

Wellbeing Mentoring is a one-to-one support where young people are allocated a member of staff to meet once a week to discuss personal issues, engage with content around anxiety and wellbeing and practise coping strategies.

Students can either self-refer to the programme or will be encouraged to do so by their Pupil Support Teacher. 

If you would like your child to be referred to the programme, please contact the relevant Pupil Support Teacher.

Peer Mentoring

Peer Mentoring matches the needs of our younger students with the skills and experiences of our senior students. The purpose is to facilitate smooth transitions into and through the school, encourage positive behaviours and promote emotional wellbeing.

Younger students can either self-refer to the programme or will be encouraged to do so by their pupil support teacher.  Senior students volunteer to be mentors and undertake training in coaching, active listening and basic safeguarding protocols.

Participants will be paired with a senior pupil - based on shared hobbies and interests - and will meet them once a week to discuss their experiences in school.

If you would like your child to be referred to the programme, please contact the relevant Pupil Support Teacher.

Living Life to the Full

LLLTF is written by an accredited CBT practitioner who is also an expert in education and training, Dr Chris Williams, Emeritus Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry University of Glasgow. It aims to give key information using everyday non-complex language.

Living Life to the Full isn’t about diagnosis. It’s not about medical treatment. It’s not about completing diagnostic questionnaires. No tablets, no diagnosis, no preaching.

Instead we try to teach important life skills that aim to help empower and equip you. You’ll learn how to; understand why you feel as you do, choose to do activities that improve wellbeing, identify blocks or activities that make us feel worse, boost your confidence, understand and change your sleep, become more assertive, calm anxious worries and be more compassionate and supportive of yourself, asking for what you need, be calmer, less irritable and more.

Seasons for Growth

´Seasons for Growth' is a small group loss and grief education programme. The programme aims to strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people who are dealing with significant loss or change.

Change affects everyone differently, as does grief. It’s the impact of the change, not the event itself that Seasons for Growth focuses on.

Young people are supported to learn new ways to share, think about and respond to the losses and changes in their lives.

Young people learn they are not alone in dealing with the effects of change, loss and grief.

Growth Mindset

What is growth mindset?  

It’s when we believe our talents can be developed through effort, using healthy strategies and considering input from others.

What is the purpose of this group?  

Supporting young people with a growth mindset to believe that growth is limitless and they challenge themselves daily to use obstacles as a stepping stone for further progress.

What’s involved?  

This group will meet for one period every week and run for six weeks.  A variety of resources will help young people explore growth mindset themes through ice breakers, group work and other creative and dynamic ways including, art, music and film.

Anxiety Management

Participants will be lead through a series of lessons centred around the use of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) to help develop strategies to manage stress/anxiety. 

This a non-therapeutic intervention so young people will not be asked to share their experiences, but rather will be encouraged to think about their current actions and thought processes with an aim to making changes to how they view, think about, and respond to the world around them.

Participants will be placed in a group with young people of their own age and stage.

Keep it Calm

K.I.C (Keep It Calm) helps individuals who have displayed violence and aggression to identify their problematic behaviour, suggesting alternatives for a non-violent response.

K.I.C aims to:


Let’s Introduce Anxiety Management is a training package is intended to develop skills in the delivery of a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)-informed approach for the treatment of mild-moderate anxiety symptoms in children and young people (CYP).

It was designed by NHS Education for Scotland along with Professor Paul Stallard, from the University of Bath, who is an internationally renowned expert in the treatment of anxiety in CYP.

L.i.a.m is an 8-10 week programme which aims to allow young people to develop anxiety management strategies in young people.

We will consider a young person's current behaviour and aim to find more effective ways of coping.

This programme is always delivered in a one-to-one setting with a Principal Teacher of Pastoral Support.

Connect Group

The group is a safe, welcoming space for young people with ASC to discuss their experiences and explore issues with a view to fostering positive social interactions, emotional wellbeing, confidence and friendships. 


A community worker leads the group and ensures that the approach responds directly to the needs of those participating.