Pupil Support Team

Pine House

Mr P Andreucci 

Principal Teacher of Pupil Support

Aspen House

Mr M Falconer

Principal Teacher of Pupil Support

Hazel House

Mrs N Penman

Principal Teacher of Pupil Support

Hawthorn House

Mr A Thomson

Principal Teacher of Pupil Support

Cedar House

Mr C Hodgart

Principal Teacher of Pupil Support

Maple House

Mrs K Macphee

Principal Teacher of Pupil Support

Willow House

Miss S Smith

Principal Teacher of Pupil Support

Birch House

Mr A Muirhead

Principal Teacher of Pupil Support

Mr R Allan

Principal Teacher of Pupil Support (Acting)

CSS Group

Mr J Moffat

Principal Teacher of Pupil Support

Teacher of Pupil Support

Miss C Smith

Support for Learning 

For information on the Pupil Support (Learning), please see our own webpage which you can find on the main departments webpage or by clicking on the following link; 


Mr C Steven

Principal Teacher of Support for Learning

Mr J Mackie

Teacher Support for Learning

Pupil Support Assistants 

Support for Learning

Pupil Support overview leaflet.pdf

About Pupil Support 

Careers Services in Williamwood High School

Skills Development Scotland

Hazel Griffith

Career Advisor

Shona Curran

Career Advisor


Career Advisor

During your time at Williamwood High School, you will have to make some big decisions about your future. Choosing your next step, can often be daunting and it is important that you access as much help and support as possible to make sure that you are choosing the option that is right for you.


Skills Development Scotland Careers Advisers are available in school to support pupils to develop Career Management Skills. The service is delivered through one-to-one appointments and group coaching during PSE classes. During the career guidance coaching sessions, pupils are encouraged to develop self-awareness and understanding of their strengths, explore their options and recognise the networks of support available. Pupils are also introduced to SDS digital services including My World of Work to encourage independent working. Careers Advisers and SDS Work Coaches can continue to support pupils once they leave school until they attain work, training or learning opportunities they enjoy. 


Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Careers Advisers work in close partnership with your Pupil Support Teachers and the School Leadership Team, in accordance with the Career Education Standard 3-18, providing Career Information, Advice and Guidance services listed below.