As a Gold Accredited Rights Respecting School, we are committed to ensuring young people from all socio-cultural backgrounds have the opportunity to work together to promote inclusion and affect change through our pupil lead equalities groups. Our groups allow young people to connect with like minded individuals, feel included, and educate the wider school community through Pupil Voice. Groups are intended to be a safe space for the sharing of ideas and discussion of issues. 

All interested young people are welcome.

For more information, please contact the lead member of staff.

LGBT Group

A weekly group for members and allies of the LGBTQ+ community. 

Inclusion is intrinsically linked to our school’s values of Respect, Ambition and Kindness. The LGBTQ+ group in the school plays an important role in insuring all young people feel included the Williamwood Community. There is a Weekly club that well attended across all 6 year groups. In the club, the focus in on offering a space for young people who are part of the LGBTQ+, and their friends, to engage with each other, share experiences and have some fun.


The Group organises trips and guest speakers throughout the school year. In addition, the school is currently in the process of attaining an award as part of the LGBT Youth Scotland Charter.


The LBGTQ+ group is part of the wider school’s approach to equalities and welcomes all young people to take part.

For any enquiries please speak to Mr Dundon (English).

If you, or your child, would like further support in relation to sexuality or gender, please speak to Pupil Support or visit LGBT Youth Scotland 

Our Charter Journey.pdf

Feminist Discussion Group

The Feminist Discussion Group runs on a Friday lunchtime in room 2.11 and is a friendly and inclusive space for any S4-S6 pupils who wish to discuss ideas and issues from a feminist perspective. 

There will be a weekly topic for discussion proposed and then chat and the chance to share ideas, opinions and questions.


There is also opportunity to go on trips, and for pupils to organise whole school events and fundraising if they wish to.

For any enquiries, please speak to Miss Wood (Pupil Support/English)