Carlibar Primary School 

Welcome to Carlibar Primary School 

Welcome from the Head Teacher 

Dear Parent/Carer,

Carlibar is a campus that is unique in so many ways.

Within our campus we host a Primary School, Nursery, Communication Centre, Communication Outreach Service, a Pre-School and Assessment Development Unit and The DEN (Discovering Enhanced Nurture @ Carlibar).

Our bright, busy and colourful nursery is open during term time. Here we provide education for up to 120 pre-school children. Click here to access our Nursery website. 

The Pre-school and Assessment Development Unit (PSADU) has one large playroom and an outdoor play area for pre-school children who may need support in language, communication or social skills. 

Our Primary School currently has a number of mainstream classes in a modern building full of excellent resources that support learning. 

In the Communication Centre we have a purpose built learning environment that meets the needs of primary school age pupils with core language and communication additional needs accross East Renfrewshire.  Click here to access the CCS website. 

 All of this is set in a safe campus surrounded by grassy areas, trees and the Levern Walkway. Carlibar is very much a working part of the community. 

We work very closely with our neighbourhood schools and parents to provide many motivating learning experiences during and after school hours for our pupils and children. 

We actively encourage partnership with parents and welcome your positive role in the education of your child. With your support we can work together to make sure your chlid gets the best best primary education available.

 You are free to visit the school at any time and we aim to make sure that any enquiries are dealt with promptly and courteously. 

Should you wish to speak with any member of staff, please call the school office, where every effort will be made to allow you to speak to the appropriate staff member. You  can also contact us by email or telephone to make an appointment for a mutually suitable time.

Our school website is a source of further information about the life of the school. 


Yours sincerely

Ian Gillies

Head Teacher 

Contact us 

Carlibar Road
G78 1BD

Phone: 0141 577 4100
