About Us
Carlibar Values
Learning today for a better tomorrow
Our values come from the heart
Our Expectations
Ready to learn
Our Aims
To provide a positive ethos and environment where pupils are motivated and successful learners, where the children feel safe, happy, confident, valued and secure.
To develop positive attitudes, self-respect and self-discipline, to respect the environment and value the needs and opinions of others.
To provide a curriculum which has breadth and balance, is accessible to all children and meets their individual needs.
To raise attainment and achievement by supporting pupils to become independent learners through effective learning and teaching.
To provide high quality education for all pupils through strategic planning, effective leadership and self evaluation.
To celebrate the achievements of all children and promote aspiration and ambition.
To foster, in our pupils, the skills, interests and healthy lifestyles that will contribute to lifelong learning.
To provide a safe, well maintained, stimulation environment where resources are efficiently and effectively organised.