Out of Division Students

Registration Information

Who is considered to be an Out of Division Student?

If your child has never attended an Edmonton Public School, they would be considered as a an Out of Division, or NON RESIDENT student. 

Online application

If this is you, we encourage you to visit the Division website to register for school online

You will be required to upload all of the following documents:

New comers (Refugees) to Canada

Please follow the information above to register your child. 

You will be required to upload these following documents:

Disclaimer: Parent documents need to be included as well (e.g. Work Permit, Study Permit)

Once the online application is completed and submitted, an Eastglen administrator will process it and reach out to you for next steps. 

If you have any questions about registering for school, please click here

Attendance area

Eastglen High School

11430-68 Street NW

Edmonton, Alberta T5B 1P1



If you are unsure if you live in our attendance area, please visit the EPSB Find a School Tool to find out.