
Drama 10, 20, 30

Students will study a variety of theatrical skills and techniques in a less performance-oriented environment. Students cover vocal techniques and movement for the stage, improvisation, script writing, text analysis, character development, technical theatre and directing.

Advanced Acting

This course is a performance-based course offering students the opportunity to study acting and theatre through the rehearsal and performance of a full-length play. They will develop the skills necessary to create interesting characters, study vocal and breathing techniques related to projection and articulation and examine movement for the stage. 

Students enrolling in this course should have some previous experience in drama/theatre and be prepared for the commitment required to see a play through to performance, which will include rehearsals outside of class time. 

This is a course for students with a keen interest in performing arts who are comfortable appearing onstage. 

*This course is run after school as a Block 5 option*

Technical Theatre

This course runs in conjunction with Acting 15,25,35. This course allows students hands-on experience with lighting, sound, set construction and stage management, with the context of the production of a full-length play. 

This course does require some work outside of regular class time. 

Students should have a keen interest in technical theatre and be prepared to meet the commitments and responsibilities associated with being part of a full production crew. 

*This course is run after school as a Block 5 class*

Musical Theatre

This is a performance-based course in which students rehearse a full length musical for performance. Students will study auditioning techniques, learn choreography and develop the vocal and physical skills to create commanding performances on stage. 

Students have the opportunity to work with a professional music director and vocal coach as well as other theatre professionals. 

Drama 10 is a prerequisite for this course. If you do not have Drama 10, you may still be part of the class and meet the requirements for Drama 10 by participating in the musical.