English Language Arts

Studying English involves much more than learning how to read and write. The two aims of the high school English Language Arts program are to provide you with an understanding and appreciation of a broad range of texts and enable you to use language for many purposes. 

English focuses on six areas: listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing. 

English 10-1, 20-1 and 30-1

(5 credits each)

These courses focus on engaging with various texts and refining the ability to use language to express your comprehension of those texts. Students will spend much of their time studying, creating and analyzing a variety of complex literary texts. 

English 10-2, 20-2 and 30-2

(5 credits each)

These courses allow students to improve grammar and sentence-building skills through a variety of assignments in functional, creative and analytical writing. Similar to the -1 course sequence, students will engage with a wide range of texts, but with less emphasis on literary analysis. 

Both course sequences meet diploma requirements and require you to write a diploma exam upon completion of the 30-level course. 

Creative Writing and Publishing 15/25/35

Creative Writing and Publishing 15/25/35 is an option  course designed for students who are interested in opportunities to write in a variety of genres and to experiment with new ideas, concepts and processes in their writing. This course series provides students with opportunities to explore and learn about various writing markets, prepare their writing for submission and assess how to effectively submit their writing to specific publications. This course provides opportunities for students to explore possible career interests and pathways that could capitalize on their knowledge, skills and abilities as a writer.   

Not all post secondary schools accept English 30-2 for entry, so please make sure you're familiar with the entrance requirements for the programs you're considering. Talk to your counselors to make sure your chosen course sequence is right for you.