
Bob Adamson

I teach in the Opportunity Program. I have been fortunate to be teaching for thirty years, twenty-five of them here in Edmonton Public Schools. I love to witness the spark of learning in young people. As I live in this part of the city, I have encountered many former students out in public. It is always a joy to see how our students grow up and contribute so much to the community.   


Ayesha Ajaj

I have taught here at Killarney for the past 4 years. I teach Math, Science, and Arabic. I enjoy crafting meaningful lessons for my students, challenging them, and watching them grow throughout the year. I highlight for me every year is the Taste of the Middle East. My favourite colour is purple and in my spare time when I'm not chasing my kids around, I enjoy cooking and baking. 


Aishah Arid

This is my first year here at Killarney, I am fully enjoying teaching our English Language Learners (ELL) program and Arabic language Arts for grades 7 through 9. Previous to this, I have taught Math, Science and Humanity for 17 years at several schools in Alberta and abroad. I am visionary and goal-oriented; I believe that by giving the best of what I have in educating a “whole” child, I contribute to nurturing healthy individuals and thus better societies. I enjoy playing badminton, tennis and hiking.


Nathan Brandvold

I have taught here at Killarney for the past 5 years. I am currently teaching Physical Education/Health and Outdoor Education for grades 7 through 9. In my additional role of Athletic Director, I continue to support extra curricular sports within the school and I have enjoyed coaching volleyball, badminton and soccer since coming to Killarney. One of the major highlights for me each year is definitely exploring the River Valley and Strathcona Wilderness Centre with our students through different Outdoor Education field trips. It is always amazing to see students' excitement and laughter when they go canoeing, cross-country skiing, or playing broomball for the first time. Killarney is definitely a great school and we hope to see you here.    


Kathryn Bruinsma

This is my fifth year teaching at Killarney, although last year I was away on maternity leave. I am currently teaching Art, Social Studies and Language Arts. I enjoy taking part in extra curricular activities such as basketball and volleyball. One of my highlights each year is helping the grade 9 students create their graduation speeches, and then listening to them during the ceremony. But I don't think anything tops Taste of the Middle East! 


Mazina Chamseddine

I have been teaching for the past 20 years; however, this is just my second year at Killarney. I am currently the lead science teacher. Science and Arabic Language  Arts for grades 7 through 9 are my focus subjects. I enjoy participating in extracurricular activities with our students; such as co-coaching volleyball and indoor soccer. One of my goals each year is to engage the students in authentic learning experiences and to connect their learning to the world around them. 


Chouaib El Bouhali

This year I am teaching students who are in the CLS program (Grades 7 thru 9). Prior to this, I was a teacher of grades 5 and 6 in the Arabic Bilingual program at Glengarry and Malmo schools. I taught French and Islamic Culture in other schools. As well, I had many years of teaching and research experience in the Arab world.

Soccer is my favorite game that I like to play and watch! I have a strong passion for my job and I get a great sense of achievement from seeing my students succeed and grow as individuals!


Iman Fakhani

I have been fortunate to be teaching for eighteen years, five of them here in Killarney. I'm grateful to have been teaching Arabic Language Arts and Islamic Studies to grades 7 through 9. I understand that connecting and building relationships with my students reinforces success and helps shapes their personalities with pride as Bilingual individuals and Muslim citizens. It also encourages students to showcase a unique Killarney community through our annual celebration of World Arabic Language Day, Taste of Middle East, and Ramadan contest.     


Melissa Kerby

I have called Killarney home for the last few years. I love connecting with the students and encouraging them to get out of their comfort zone. I have enjoyed teaching PE, complementary courses and coaching. I look forward to encouraging all students to find the athlete in themselves, and find success though providing students opportunities to push to the next level. I believe we are all better when we move. Come run with me!! 


Chris Kloosterman

I have taught Social Studies 7,8, and 9 at Killarney for 18 years.  I am passionate about Social Studies as I believe we have so much to gain from learning the good, bad and ugly from history.  Current events allow  students to begin to understand that events happening today are shaped by our local, national, and international history.  Drawing from historical knowledge, an understanding of governance and economics, and an  understanding of personal and collective worldviews, equips  students to understand their role in shaping the future direction of our country and our world.  Outside of school I am a new grandma and so most of my time and energy is focused on the newest member of my family.  


Maria Pappas

I am Ms. Pappas and I have been a teacher at Killarney for 10 years.  I teach Social studies, Leadership 8 and Drama. I love being involved in all the major school functions such as Taste of the Middle East, Grade 9 Farewell and Open House along with my leadership students. I have also enjoyed coaching various after school sports teams and have won numerous gold medals in indoor and outdoor soccer. Killarney has been my family for the past ten years and I look forward to the expansion of the family every year with all our new students. I will also like to mention that I have a sweet tooth and can be easily bribed by donuts.


Karen Reschke

My name is Karen Reschke and it has been my great honor to teach in the CLS program at Killarney for nearly 30 years. For those of you not familiar with our CLS program at Killarney, we are a community-based learning program which is designed to meet the needs of children with Global Developmental delays in a hands-on interactive way. Much of the learning in our CLS classroom takes place in the community where students learn to shop, cook, ride buses and increase their independence and problem solving skills.

I continue to enjoy working with my students at Killarney, and when not at school, I am busy parenting my 3 teenagers, together with my husband, walking my dog in the Millcreek ravine, cooking new recipes, golfing in the summer months and reading great novels. 


Francisco Rodas

I have taught here at Killarney for 2 years. I teach one of the Opportunities programs that we offer for grades 7, 8 and 9. Our students have a variety of different needs and we provide support with the help from our awesome Educational Assistants. Some extracurricular activities we do in class are extra Phys. Ed, as well as participating in enriching field trips. Last year I enjoyed co-coaching the Junior Boys Basketball team in the early 2020 season. 


Katherine Stewart

I have taught at Killarney for 5 years. I teach Math, and Food Studies. I enjoy taking students on field trips, especially the ski trips. My favorite project at school is when the students compete in cooking competitions.


Deana Truemner

I have taught here at Killarney for the past 3 years. I am currently teaching English Language Arts and French as a Second Language, grade 9. I am also the lead teacher for our literacy program. I enjoy participating in cultural events and sports with students- such as Indigenous Smudging, coaching volleyball and Taste of the Middle East. One of my goals each year is to get to know my students and support them as they grow, in preparation for high school.  


Omar Zaitoun

I have taught at Killarney for 2 years. I am currently teaching Science and Computers for grades 7 through 9. I enjoy helping students grow and achieve their best in everything that they do. The most important thing to me is helping students to become positive influencers in society, as well as productive members of our communities.  
