Science Technology Engineering & Math

STEM (Science , Technology, Engineering and Math) is one of the fastest growing fields of studies or careers in any modern society. The STEM program will be introduced to Killarney for the first time this upcoming year in our newly renovated STEM lab. Here students are provided with an engaging learning environment where they will:

  • Engage in hands on activities

  • Collaborate, & problem solve

  • Foster skills around research, design and fabrication

3D Design & Printing

Additive manufacturing is the future of design and building. Students will use design programs such as tinkercad in order to develop and produce unique objects in response to a variety of 'build' challenges. Our new STEM lab comes equipped with six 3D printers that will provide ample opportunity for our students to test out their creative side and learn some life long skills.


Coding allows for students to develop key 21 century computing skills that will help them to understand how all this technology around us works. They will use block-based coding systems in order to create a variety of animations and games that will enable them to bring their imaginations to life. As they grow in skill and logically problem solving, students progress to more complex tasks like game development and interactive storytelling.


In Robotics students will design, code, and build robots that must be able to compete and complete a variety of challenges. From simple remote controlled robots, to complex machines that are optimized for specialized tasks, students will gain insight into how the theoretical becomes the practical as they enjoy seeing their creation come to life.

Forensic Science

Forensic Science is a great opportunity for students to see the principles that they learn in science class come to life in real world applications. Students will recognize the importance of looking at a problem from a scientific perspective, using Chemistry, Biology and the Physical Sciences to solve classic whodunit mysteries. Students will develop evidence gathering techniques as they analyze and evaluate a variety of fun scenarios, all the while being introduced to career pathways related to forensics.