Carenne School

Carenne School is located in Bathurst in western New South Wales on traditional Wiradjuri Country.

The students from Carenne School searched for treasure and found that discarded trash can become the greatest treasure!

They created an incredible dance performance inspired by these found objects entitled ‘Pirates Treasure Hunt’.

A-har me hearties!

Watch this video and join Carenne School as they perform their 'Pirates Treasure Hunt' dance in their search for treasure.

Quote from Danielle and Luke, parents: "Lachlan enjoyed being part of this experience."
Quote from Debra and Chris, parents: "Adam loved dressing up as a pirate for this showcase."
Quote from Katie and Mark, parents: "Paige loves music and dancing."

Visual arts

Students from Carenne School created the background for their portraits by rolling paint onto recycled rubber matting then taking a patterned print.

To create the faces for their portraits, the students used a variety of found objects that they collected and stored in the school's art room. From this selection of objects, the students hand-picked items to create the facial features, and the results are some very expressive faces.

Quote from Tristan, year 4: "I liked making my artwork out of lots of different things. My picture makes me smile."
Quote from Dyaln, year 12: "I really liked making spikey hair from little green sticks."
Quote from Logan, year 9: "I liked choosing lots of different things to make my funny face."
Paper plate face with green ears and pom-pom eyes
Boy making his paper plate face with green ears and blue pom-pom eyes
Paper plate face with green spikey hair
Boy making his paper place face with green spikey hair
Paper plate face with brown cardboard hair
Boy making his paper plate face with brown cardboard hair


Following the theme of found objects, students from Carenne School found the amazing song Jerusalema, which has become a worldwide hit.

During class, the students worked on creating different rhythms, tapping them out on their bodies and against each other with cups and plates they had found in the classroom.

Image from student music performance of Jerusalema using cups rhythmically

Watch the video as students from Carenne School showcase their rhythmic composition.

Quote from Darcy, year 9: "I learnt how to concentrate on the music and the timing."
Quote from Montana, year 11: "I loved learning a new song, and it was fun to tap out rhythms."
Quote from Callan, year 11: "I liked trying to give a bit more flair to my plate percussion."

Participating students

Congratulations! banner

Congratulations to the following students from Years 1 to 12 from Carenne School for their wonderful submissions:

Aatif, Adam, Alex, Callan, Darcy, Dylan, Faith, Kade, Lachlan, Liam, Logan, Montana, Paige, Rose and Tristan.

Explore more of our Connections Showcase submissions

Third-party content attributions

  • Student artworks 1-7, © Student/s of Carenne School, 2021, reproduced and communicated with permission.

  • Student artwork 8, © Student/s of Georges River College Peakhurst Campus, 2021, reproduced and communicated with permission.

  • Student artwork 9, © Student/s of St George School, 2021, reproduced and communicated with permission.

  • Student artwork 10, © Student/s of Wairoa School, 2021, reproduced and communicated with permission.

  • Student artwork 11, © Student/s of Yennora Public School, 2021, reproduced and communicated with permission.