Digital @ The Arts Unit

Woven web star #CAPAexplosion

image of finished woven star examples

Woven web star

Are you ready to shine bright and make your mark?

Follow the instructions below to make your own woven web star!

Be sure to hang your artwork in your front window, on your front door or in the front yard. You might also choose to hang your artworks on the school gate or in a local store window.

Together let's create a galaxy across NSW!

Take a walk around your neighbourhood and see how many Supernova art works you can spy!

What you will need:

  • cardboard (recycled from packaging, for example a cardboard box)

  • yarn (wool, string, thread, fabric scraps or raffia)

  • scissors

  • pen or pencil

  • something round, such as a bowl or a compass.

Using the following instructions to create your woven web star:

Step 1 - trace and cut

Trace a circle that is at least 10 cm in diameter on to cardboard. Cut out carefully.

Image of circle traced on piece of cardboard

Mark 8 equal points around the circumference of the circle.

Cut 1 cm in from the edge at each point to make slits.

image of slits cut around circle

Step 2 - wrapping

Slot the end of your yarn into one of the slits and begin wrapping yarn across the circle and through another slit. There is no one correct way to do this.

Remember that the back will not look the same as the front, so focus on creating a symmetrical design on one side.

image of piece of wool connected at one of the slits in cardboard circle
image of wool laced through cardboard to create star shape

Step 3 - hang

When complete, tie yarn off at the back, or unwind and weave a new design!

image of scissors cutting yarn


Try weaving a web on a different shaped piece of cardboard, such as a square.

Create more or less slits around the edge, such as 6 or 12. How does this impact the types of designs you can create?

image of finished woven star examples

Hang in a window, or on a tree, or on a gate for all to see!

image of finished woven star examples hung in tree

Do you want another challenge?

Explore these out of this world Creative Classes:

Select to go to Creative Class - Strange Faces
Select to go to Creative Class - Colour my world

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