
eSecurity is a term used to describe using the internet in a way that prevents others from attacking or accessing online information without the owner's permission. Trusted sites are ones that are encrypted. You can see if a site is secure by checking the URL bar. If a site is safe it will have an image of a lock. This means the site is encrypted and the information cannot be hacked by others.

Trusted sites are ones that are encrypted. You can see if a site is secure by checking the URL bar. If a site is safe it will have an image of a lock. This means the site is encrypted and the information cannot be hacked by others.

The most important things you can do are:

  • Never share your passwords with anyone

  • Only use websites and platforms you know and trust such as the school website, school email, Google Classroom, Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc

  • Never share personal information or information that can allow others to know your location, phone number, email addresses, social media information, school information on sites that are unsecured.

  • Never share information about others including their location, phone numbers, email addresses, social media details, school details

  • Only sign into applications/programs with your NSW Student Email address for all SCHOOL related activities.

  • Always log out when you are finished.