
eConduct is about your behaviour online. The way you interact, comment, respond and communicate with others has a direct impact on others in your learning community. eConduct is all about respect, just like in real life.

You can be respectful online by:

  • Communicating with others in a respectful way. No swearing, name calling, teasing or being mean to others in your comments, posts, and emails

  • Follow the Nana principal - if you wouldn't say it or show it to your Nana don't say it/share it with anyone else.

  • Having an identifiable and appropriate screen name so teachers and your peers clearly know who they are interacting with.

  • Participating in video streaming platforms with your teachers and classes. This is more than just joining a video conference. You should ask questions in the chat sections, responding to questions or activities and provide meaningful feedback where it is appropriate.

  • Muting your microphone when joining a video conference and when others are speaking. Only have your microphone on when you have a relevant question or contribution.

  • Keep your communication relevant. In other words don’t spam others with your input. Filling the chat or stream with emojis and hello’s to your friends in a group platform like Google Classroom makes finding relevant information very hard for everyone else. These spaces are for questions you and others may have that relate to the subject or topic. Keep your personal communications for one to one platforms such as email or text message.

  • Don’t add links, comments or attachments that are off topic. Online learning spaces are about learning. It wouldn’t be ok to interrupt your class with a comment about the latest football scores and it's the same online.

  • You shouldn’t record or screenshot anything from an online learning platform without your teacher's permission. You should especially never upload these to public platforms like social media. These actions can have serious consequences for you and others.