Shortcuts for Creating In-text Citations and Reference Lists

Tip: This page is the shortcut to learning how to create in-text citations and reference lists using the SHHS modified version of APA 7th referencing for assessment tasks. If you want to read more in-depth explanations we highly recommend that you start by reading the introduction to Referencing page, then read the Creating In-Text Citations, and then the Creating a Reference List page. 

Three Things You Need to Know Right Now

What Do In-text Citations and References Look Like? 

Here are examples:

Downloadable Worksheets for Creating In-text Citations & Reference Lists

"In-Text Citations" + "Referencing for Years 7-9": click here for PDF, or click here for DOC

"In-Text Citations" + "Referencing for Years 10-12": click here for PDF, or click here for DOC

Video Tutorials 

(These videos are best watched on a laptop or desktop computer)

For teachers: to directly add this video to Google Classroom or Moodle, copy the following link::

Tip 1: For more help with creating in-text citations, go to the Creating In-Text Citations page. 

Tip 2: Fundamental to successful paraphrasing of ideas is an understanding of what is effective paraphrasing; if you would like support in teaching this skill to students there is a supporting "How to Paraphrase" video on the Creating In-Text Citations page.  

For teachers: to directly add this video to Google Classroom or Moodle, copy the following link

Tip: For more help with creating reference lists, go to the Creating a Reference List page. 

Cite, Reference & Declare the Use of ChatGPT and Other Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Caution: Always talk to your teacher before using generative AI for any learning tasks, including anything from homework to assessment tasks -always seek permission first. Unless you have been directly instructed to use generative AI or any similar technologies, it is safe to assume that you are not allowed to use generative AI.

What Types of AI Programs and AI-Generated Information Do You Need to Declare?

AI programs refer to programs, tools, apps, and websites such as:

Introduction: What are the Three Steps in Referencing Generative AI Use?

In-text Citation > Reference List > Declaration of AI Use

This process aims to make clear where, what to how much you have used AI in your assessment task.

Unpacking the Three Steps to Referencing AI Use

As well as the loss and fragmentation of habitat, urbanisation in the Gold Coast hinterland brings risk to Koalas including domestic pet attacks and collisions with cars (ChatGPT, 2023)

A direct quote would look like this:

Urbanisation in the Gold Coast hinterland has had an effect on Koala populations, an example of this is "The influx of humans and increased infrastructure development bring with them additional risks, such as road collisions and domestic pet attacks" (ChatGPT, 2023).

Company Name, (2023). Page Title. Website or App Title. Date retrieved. URL.


OpenAI, (2023). ChatGPT. Retrieved May 30, 2023, from 

Copy and paste the Declaration of AI Use text into your assessment task; delete any parts that are not relevant, and create a separate declaration for each AI tool, platform, or website that you have used:

Declaration of AI Use (Copy, Paste & Edit)

I acknowledge the use of (insert AI tool name and URL) in the preparation and/or writing of my assignment. I have used (insert AI tool name) to assist with: (delete items from the following list that do not apply):

The following prompts were input into (insert AI tool name):

Example of a Declaration of AI Use: 

I acknowledge the use of OpenAI ChatGPT ( in the preparation and/or writing of my assignment. I have used ChatGPT to assist with: 

The following prompts were input into ChatGPT:

Note: the Declaration of AI Use section is in part copied, and in part adapted from Curtin University. Their original version and this adapted version are copyright protected by Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence. Any copying or adapting of the Declaration should be attributed as created by Curtin University Library ( and remain as CC 4.0.