Executive Functioning

Coaching for Executive Functioning Challenges

Executive functioning is a “broad term that includes several brain functions that help us execute tasks. Some of the skills under this umbrella include (but are not limited to) planning into the future, prioritizing, time management, organization, focus, task initiation, motivation, follow-through, self-regulation, introspection, and working memory” (Davidson Institute, 2022).

Experiencing challenges in executive functioning can be common to many learners, including learners who are gifted, autistic ADHD and more. For students with executive functioning challenges, it can take a lot of extra effort trying to keep on top of all that needs to be planned and managed. There are well researched strategies for support, it’s not quick-fix territory, but with sustained effort and good strategies, great progress can be made.

The SHHS Library website page “Study Planners” has user-friendly term planners, weekly study timetables, and a more structured homework planner. All of these have tips to help students learn about how to use these tools. The Pomodoro Technique is explained as a great tool to reduce procrastination and build sustained focus. The Must-Do, Should-Do & Could-Do thinking strategy is great for prioritising homework and building an understanding of having realistic expectations. All of these resources can be found here: https://bit.ly/StudyPlanners

If you are interested in learning more about developing executive functioning skills, the Smart But Scattered Kids website by Drs. Peg Dawson and Richard Guare has high quality information from experts: https://www.smartbutscatteredkids.com/resources/print-articles/

Another great resource is Seth Perler; he is an Executive Function, ADHD & 2e Coach. He is well respected in the field and is very approachable in his manner. You can listen to him being interviewed on the Neurodiversity Podcast here: Executive functioning and ADHD. 

You can also visit his great website which is packed with free coaching content including videos, podcasts and printable PDF's: https://sethperler.com/freebies/ 

Hacks that help:

Sometimes working our an organsational hack can be a big help. Do you regularly forget to charge your laptop or pack it in your bag? Try a post-it note on your bedroom light switch, or somewhere you will see it at night and in the morning. 

If your battery never lasts a whole day, talk to your folks and ask them to consider replacing the battery, or computer. And if your laptop is getting repaired talk to us in the library and we will see if we can help with computer access.