Neurodiversity Podcasts

A frequent go-to resource at Smith's is The Neurodiversity Podcast with Emily Kircher-Morris. 

Whether you have some type of neurodiversity label or not, this podcast is helpful in numerous ways relating to learning, studying, communication, self-understanding, building strengths etc.

Kircher-Morris states "Our goal is to reframe differences that were once considered disabilities or disorders, promote awareness of this unique population, and improve the lives of neurodivergent and high-ability people.

From The Neurodiversity Podcast, here is a small selection of episodes that are helpful, inspirational, and full of ah-ha(!) moments of "oh that explains that thing!":

1. The Power of Positivity and Unique Thinking

2. Creating a Neurodiversity-Affirming World

3. Beneath the Surface of Giftedness

4. Executive functioning and ADHD

5. Over-under on achievement

6. Fostering tenacity and resilience.

The moment of coming to understand a concept is one moment in the process of learning; 

working to retain that understanding, 

being able to recall that understanding, 

and apply it in the context of an exam, 

...well, that is a whole other stage and set of skills. 

Below are two of the best podcasts for skillfully simplifying research-proven approaches to learning and studying techniques; these will help any learner, especially neurodivergent learners. Emily Kircher-Morris interviews two different experts, and both of these experts have a wealth of free things to help you.     

Ep. 207. The Neurodiversity Podcast: Interview with Gretchen Wegner, creator of the AntiBoringLab YouTube channel.

Gretchen is empowering, Gretchen will give you the power to tweak your strategies for even greater performance boosts, and this is true for any learner type.

Start by listening to the podcast Unique Learning Challenges of Neurodivergent Brains

If you want more from Gretchen:

Ep. 187. The Neurodiversity Podcast: Learning How to Learn, Studying How to Study

What if you could find a bunch of scientists, all with PhD's in how students learn, and they could explain the science in a way that was easy to understand and put into practice... and they used pictures?...well, meet The Learning Scientists.

Start by listening to the podcast Learning How to Learn, Studying How to Study Then if you want more:

So far on this page the topic of the podcast has largely been about how neurodivergent learners learn best. Next we'll help you discover podcasts that are just fun. 

For all learners, discovering their passions and pursuing them is time well spent. For students, teachers and parents/carers, discovering the joy of listening to podcasts can be like discovering a whole new media alternative to television, books etc. Naturally, not all podcasts are great, but the good ones will let the listener deep dive into an endless array of subjects from dinosaurs and dystopian fiction, to pop culture and physics. Back in about 2021, we surveyed students, teachers and the staff of SHHS to discover their favourite podcasts.  If this interests you, have a look at our SHHS Guide to Podcasts.