Podcasts for PL

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Below is a list of some of my favourite podcasts in an educational context:

Gifted and Talented / 2E Twice Exceptional

This podcast presents conversations with experts in the areas of giftedness and twice-exceptionality. This is a great podcast series. 

"The Neurodiversity Podcast talks with leaders in the fields of psychology, education, and beyond, about positively impacting neurodivergent people. Our goal is to reframe differences that were once considered disabilities or disorders, promote awareness of this unique population, and improve the lives of neurodivergent and high-ability people." 

This is wonderful for an introduction to topics, a summary by the experts. It has often led me to then research further writing by the guest expert.

Here are some specific episodes I have enjoyed:

How to get gifted kids talking

Executive functioning and ADHD

Overcoming Perfectionism

Over-under on achievement

Fostering tenacity and resilience

Accurate assessment for 2e kids