HPGE Responses

"The High Potential and Gifted Education Policy (HPGE) was announced by the Minister for Education on 4 June 2019. Implementation of the policy across the state is supported by an integrated professional learning program" (About the Policy, NESA, 2019). SHHS teachers are undertaking a professional learning program in response to the policy and in accordance with the School Improvement Plan of 2021. 

Click on the following link for a printable PDF copy of the policy: NESA High Potential and Gifted Education Policy


Faculties at SHHS are working as teams, we are sharing the process of researching teaching and learning strategies to adapt and evolve teaching and learning practices that support the needs of students at SHHS. We are utilising evidence based and researched strategies to inform our practice. Below are links to pages that share the research of faculties. There are many approaches that are legitimate and well supported by sound research; faculties through their own research are choosing paths that are best suited to their subject areas and teaching practices. Faculties and individual teachers may draw from multiple models as the need and opportunity arises. This is a work in progress that will evlove as we learn together.

Working towards a blending of  Positive Psychology with the development of thinking and learning skills and dispositions. This is Social, Emotional and Cognitive Learning.

-Used by faculties including Wellbeing and Library

The William's and Maker models are used in conjunction at times. Maker's Modification Menu Model facilitates effective differentiation of learning content, process and product fostering the domain of giftedness. William’s model encourages cognitive and affective behaviours for encouraging and releasing creativity. 

-Used by faculties including HSIE and Science