Learner Profiles

"Learner Profiles" is an intentionally broad title. As learners, we are a diverse population, collectively we are neurodiverse. While we may have differences in how we think and learn, there are similarities as well. Embarking on the journey of self-discovery as a learner is akin to unlocking a treasure trove of untapped potential.

When we take the time to delve into our own learning styles, inevitably we find strengths that we can grow and areas where we experience challenges. As we learn and use strategies to grow our strengths and address our challenges we empower ourselves. We also gain experiences and insights that can be shared with others.

Coming to better understand your strengths and reducing the impact of your challenges is empowering. This can lead to better wellbeing, and learning being more enjoyable generally. 

Whatever your challenges are, inevitably there is going to be some hard work in learning and practising strategies to reduce the impact of the challenges. You'll have a mix of successes and failures, that's okay, just keep learning about yourself. Interestingly, you might find that your journey leads to a greater appreciation for how diverse we are as learners with our varied ways of perceiving, thinking, learning, and communicating. 

When we recognise and value differences in ourselves and in the people around us, we help build a more inclusive and dynamic society, where individual strengths are not just acknowledged but revered. All of humanity and our world have benefited in ways from people who think differently; and who knows what type of learner will solve the problems that we collectively face now or into our future? 

The "Learner Profiles" section of the Smith's Hill High School Library website is a living store of information. As your teacher librarian and a neurodivergent person, I'm always learning, so as I learn, I will add content to these sections... and correct mistakes as I learn more.  

"Celebrating Neurodiversity" is a broad introduction to all things Neurodiverse. Starting with some basics of what is neurodiversity, what some of the variations of the word mean, how this approach can lead to greater self-understanding, self-acceptance, opportunities for growth and more. Read More 

The Neurodiversity Podcast with Emily Kircher-Morris presents conversations with experts in the areas of giftedness and twice-exceptionality (gifted + autism, or gifted + ADHD + autism etc.). This page is recommended for students, teachers, parents, carers, friends, and anyone with a fascination for how wonderful and diverse the human mind can be. Read More

While it can be a bumpy ride, for a person learning about their neurodivergence, this learning has the possibility of opening up avenues of self-understanding, self-acceptance, and in time the possibility of finding and valuing great strengths within themself that are born of their neurodivergence. Featured on the Neurodivergence Journey page is The Hero’s Journey of Neurodivergence Self-Acceptance. This explores the possibility that a person's relationship to their own neurodivergence may go through different phases. Read More

Executive functioning is a broad term that includes brain functions like planning, prioritising, time management, organisation, focus, task initiation, motivation, self-regulation, and working memory. Challenges in executive functioning can be common to many learners, including learners who are gifted, autistic ADHD and more. Read this page to learn more including helpful strategies. Read More

In 2022, we were invited to submit an article for publication in the online journal published by the NSW Department Of Education, Scan. The purpose of the article was for us to share our motivations and experiences of having Neurodiversity Week as an annual event since 2022. The audience for this article is primarily people who work in education, but we are interested in sharing our thinking with a wide audience. If you would like to read this article, click here.