Board Endorsed VET Courses

Important Information

The following list contains the Board Endorsed TVET courses that may be available. The exact TAFE location and day the course runs will not be known until Term 3. Many of the courses are only offered at TAFE colleges a long distance from school. Please consult with the Careers Adviser before making any firm decisions.

Aboriginal and/or Torres  Strait Islander Cultural Arts

Aboriginal Languages

Aeroskills – Aviation Maintenance

Animal Care

Applied Digital Technologies


Aviation (Cabin Crew)

Aviation Remote Pilot –  Drone Operator


Beauty Services – Make-up or Retail Cosmetics

Community Services

Dance, Theatre and Events

Design Fundamentals

Early Childhood Education and Care

Engineering and Manufacturing

Fashion Design



Laboratory Skills

Maritime Operations

Music Industry

Plumbing Introduction

Real Estate Practice and Property


Salon Assistant – Hairdressing

School Based Education Support

Screen and Media

Shearing and Wool Handling

Signs and Graphics

Sports and Recreation

Supply Chain Operations

Workplace Skills


Subject to change