Year 10 Subject Selection Information

This site is designed to provide Model Farms High School students and families with information to make an informed decision about their subject selections for Year 11. 

We offer a comprehensive range of senior subjects as well as linking in with Saturday Schools of Community languages, TAFE, and Distance Education Services and these will cater for your specific career needs as well as your interests.  We have a supportive, caring and flexible staff who are willing to assist you with your subject selections and studies.

Year 12 Pathways at Model Farms


Recommended for students who intend to go to TAFE, a private College or go directly into the workforce when they leave school.


Recommended for students who intend going to University.

Any of the above + TAFE Award

Useful to students who wish to gain advanced standing into a related TAFE course after the HSC.  TAFE Awards are also helpful in assisting students to find a cadetship, apprenticeship, traineeship or employment in an industry relating to their TAFE Award.

Any of the above + NSW School of Languages (formerly Open High School)

Offers the opportunity to study one or more of 12 languages to students in Years 9 to 12 from all education sectors. If you have a particular need or wish to study a course not offered at school, you may apply to the Principal to study the course by correspondence.  The NSW School of Languages will send you written or taped lessons that you must complete independently.

Any of the above + Saturday School of Community Languages

Classes are held on Saturday morning at local High Schools.  These courses are in addition to those studied at school The Saturday School of Community Languages gives students the opportunity to study the language they speak at home, if a course in that language is not offered at their weekday school.

Subject Selection Process: