Agricultural Technology

2 units for each of Preliminary (Year 11) and HSC Board Developed Course

Course Description:

The Preliminary Course covers the study of the interactions between the components of agricultural production, marketing and management while giving consideration to the sustainability of the farming system. This is an ‘on-farm’, environment-oriented course.

The HSC Course builds upon the Preliminary Course. It examines the complexity and scientific principles of the components of agricultural production. It places a greater emphasis on farm management to maximise productivity and environmental sustainability. The Farm Product Study is used as a basis for analysing and addressing social, environmental and economic issues as they relate to sustainability.

Main Topics Covered:

Year 11 Course

  • Overview of Australian Agriculture

  • The Farm Case Study

  • Plant Production

  • Animal Production

HSC Course

The Higher School Certificate Course builds upon the Preliminary Course. The Preliminary Course contains content that is considered assumed knowledge for the Higher School Certificate Course.

Core Topics 80%

  • Plant/Animal Production

  • Farm Product Study

  • Optional components

Electives 20%

  • Agri-food, Fibre and Fuel Technologies

  • Climate Challenge

  • Farming for the 21st Century

Particular Course Requirements:

Practical experiences should occupy a minimum of 30% of both Preliminary and HSC Course time.

School Fees: Preliminary Course $80 HSC Course $80