Choosing the Right Course 

Selecting Subjects 2021.pptx

Do pursue your interests

It is important to think about what subjects you enjoy and do well in when choosing your HSC subjects. You will spend a lot of time studying these subjects over the next few years so having an interest in what you are learning will increase your enjoyment, and you will be more likely to achieve strong marks. Your interests will also help guide you to possible career paths and courses to study at uni.

Don't choose subjects because you think they scale well

It's normal to want to give yourself the best chance of getting a high ATAR, but, it is a myth that certain subjects will guarantee it.

Firstly, it's important to understand how HSC subject scaling works. UAC scales subjects according to the performance of all students that year, not whether they think a course is ‘hard’ or ‘easy’. Try not to think about the ATAR when choosing your subjects and instead focus on what subjects will allow you to achieve a mark that best reflects your ability.

Remember, you're choosing HSC subjects, not the rest of your life!

Your HSC subjects can help you achieve your goals, but they do not limit you to a particular career path or stop you from pursuing others.

There is always a way to get to where you want to go selecting your HSC subjects is just the first step.