
Learning intentions

We are learning about temperate rainforests: where are they found and how they differ from other types of rainforests found in Australia.

Teacher information

Tucked in gullies around Sydney, the last remnants of temperate rainforests survive. Students will learn whether rainforests are found in Sydney and whether these are the same as rainforests found in other places around Australia.

Non-digital Lesson: Not online? Download the lesson here.

Stage: S3

KLA: Science (Living World), Geography (The Earth's Environment)

Watch Lisa as she introduces us to the majestic rainforests around Sydney.

Video: Rainforest introduction (30 sec)

Task 1: Bobbin Head rainforest

Activity 1: Watch the rainforest video. Write down what you can see in your nature journal.

Video: Rainforest video (11 sec)

Play the video again, but this time lay down, close your eyes and listen to the sounds. At the end of the video, write down what could you hear in your nature journal. How does it make you feel?

In your nature journal, write down or draw the animals you may find in the rainforest.

Find a spot in your garden, on your verandah or in your local bushland (with an adult). Lay down for 5 minutes, close your eyes and listen to all the sounds.

Activity 2: Explore the rainforest.

You can look around in the 360 video below! Hold your mouse button and move the mouse around to explore the rainforest.

Is there anything you can add to your nature journal that you can see or hear?

Task 2: What different types of rainforests exist in Australia? What are temperate rainforests?

Activity 1: Learn more about Australian Rainforests.

Read some information on Australian rainforests.

In your nature journal, list the different types of rainforest that are found in Australia.

Activity 2: Rainforests at Bobbin Head

The rainforests of Bobbin Head are classified as warm temperate rainforests. Use the information from the website above to answer the following questions in your nature journal.

  1. Where are warm temperate rainforests found?

  2. What climatic/weather conditions are needed for temperate rainforests?

  3. Describe the vegetation you may find in the rainforest eg leaf size, shapes, species.

  4. What is Gondwana?

  5. What animals can be found in temperate rainforests?

The following links may help you with your research:



Task 3: Cinquain poem

Using the video of the rainforest above and your knowledge of temperate rainforests, write a cinquain poem about rainforests. There is an example below to give you an idea on how to write one. There is also a template provided.

Here is an example of a cinquain:


Ripe, juicy

Beckoning, Dripping, Biting

A herald of springtime.


Task 4: Chatterbox making

Let's make a chatterbox quiz. These are great fun for you and your family.

Watch the video on how to make a chatterbox.

On your chatterbox, include questions about rainforests. Challenge a family member to answer questions about rainforests.

Video: How to make a paper chatterbox | YouTube (3:31 min)

More Information

More activities for your nature journals!

Download the Nature Journal prompts below. Print a copy and stick it into your nature journal.

My Nature Journal .pdf