In the Mangroves

Science, Geography

Learning intentions

We are learning about the differences between the mangroves and the plants in our own backyards.

Teacher information

In these learning tasks students will be looking at the natural features of the mangroves and comparing them to the natural features of the plants they can see in their backyard or out their window. Work can be completed in a nature journal, an exercise book or on blank paper. After exploring the mangroves online, consider booking an excursion with Gibberagong to see the mangroves in action!

Watch Kate welcome you to the mangrove environment.

Video: In the mangroves (0:42 min)

Task 1 : Journal Entry

Start a new page in your nature journal and write the heading “Mangroves”. Have you been to the mangroves before? What was it like? Write down three things that you already know about mangroves.

Watch this video and make some notes.

Task 2: Mangrove features

Have a look at these mangrove images. In your journal draw a mangrove tree, draw a leaf and draw the roots. Label your drawing.

Task 3: Plants in your area.

Now take your journal outside and draw a plant or tree. Or you can draw a plant you can see from your window.

Make sure you include a drawing of the whole plant including leaves and the stem or trunk.

What to you think their roots look like?

Task 4: Spot the Difference

Looking at YOUR two drawings play spot the difference. Circle all the features that are different between the two plants. Can you find 4 differences?

Now make a list of all the things that are the same.

Upload a photo of your spot the difference to google classroom.

Can you make a new spot the difference like the one in your book to send to someone else in the class?

More activities for your nature journals!

Download the Nature Journal prompts below. Print a copy and stick it into your nature journal.

My Nature Journal .pdf