How does my garden grow?

Part 1

Geography, Science

Image: Max Pixel | CCO

Learning Intentions:

  • We are learning to identify the parts of plants can be eaten

  • We are learning what all plants need to survive and how seeds grow into plants

Teacher information

Science - These activities investigate the external features of plants, what plants need to grow, how plants change and germinating a seed.

Geography - These activities investigate features of environments that grow plants, how to care for them and how the environment supports the lives of living things.

Be sure to check out How does my garden grow (Part 2) as well!

Stage: S1-S2 KLA: Geography, Science

Task 1: Which parts of plants can you eat?

  1. Look at the document on the right which shows different foods we eat and the part of a plant they come from. Were you surprised by any of these?

  2. Look in your kitchen at home. Can you tell what part of the plant your food comes from?

  3. Draw a food plant in your nature journal (or on a piece of paper) and label which part of the plant you can eat.

Plant Parts We Eat Lesson.pdf

Test your knowledge in this short quiz on the parts of plants we can eat. Good Luck!

Task 2: Plants grow in different places that suit their needs

What do plants need to survive?

  1. Download a copy of the worksheet, 5 things that plants need to survive. Colour it in if you want to.

  2. Watch and sing along to the song about the 5 things that plants need to survive.

Can you remember the 5 things they needed?

Video: The Needs of a Plant (1:02 min)

Task 3: What's missing?

Watch the video and see what these sick plants in Helen’s garden need to survive.

3. What's missing.mp4

Look around your own garden or an area with plants. Are there any sick ones? What do you think they will need to survive?

Draw a sick plant in your nature journal (or on a piece of paper) and label what the plant is missing.

Task 4: Get growing!

What plants will grow from seeds that you have in your kitchen or garden?

  1. Find some seeds from food in your kitchen or from plants in nature. Watch how Helen harvests seeds (video 1:36 min).

2. Place the seeds on a wet paper towel in a clear plastic bag.

3. Tape the bag to a sunny window and watch to see which seeds will grow!

4. Take a photo of the seeds in the bag and send it to your teacher.

See how it's done!

Watch how Helen completes the seed growing experiment in this video.

2. The experiment.mp4

Video: The Experiment (2:52 min)

Want to learn more?