Mangrove interactions


Learning intentions

We are learning about how the environment supports the lives of people and other living things.

Teacher information

In this lesson students will examine the importance of the natural resource of the mangroves. They will consider how the mangrove habitat supports the needs of other living things. This resource supports The Earths Environment unit. After exploring the mangroves online, consider booking an excursion with Gibberagong to see the mangroves in action!

Non-digital lesson: Not online? Download the lesson here.

Stage: S2 KLA: Geography

Watch Kate as she introduces Mangrove interactions.

Video: Mangrove interactions (0:35 min)

Task 1: What animals live in the mangroves?

Watch the following video about mangroves and write down all the animals that you see.

Task 2: Animals

Choose an animal that lives in the mangroves. Fill out the questions below to show how your animal interacts with the environment.

Task 3: A habitat tree

  1. Go out into your backyard, balcony or look out of your window and find a large tree. Can you see any animals using this tree (birds or insects). Look closely for evidence of use (scratch marks, tree hollows, chewed leaves).

  2. Draw your tree and add in all the animals you think would visit this tree (ants, spiders, birds, lizards etc).

  3. Label the main habitat features of your tree eg leaves and flowers for food, tree hollow for nesting.

John Robert McPherson, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Task 4: My habitat tree or animal home

Take a photo of your habitat tree drawing and upload it to your own google classroom. Have a look at other student’s habitat trees and leave a comment for them.


Do you love crabs?

Watch this video to see some of the crabs at Bobbin Head interacting with their mangrove environment.

Mangrove Giants at Bobbin Head NSW Australia.mp4
Video: Mangrove giants at Bobbin Head NSW | YouTube (3:08 min)