Nature Journal

Science, Geography, English

Teacher information

The skill of observation is a way that scientists record features of the world around them. In this lesson, students will be practicing their skills in observations and scientific communication. The nature journaling exercise can be repeated at different times of the year to build a bigger picture of environmental changes and the impact of seasons on the living world. Students can use a blank exercise book as their nature journal. This can be added to with other nature based activities.

Non-digital Lesson: Not online? Download the lesson here.

Stage: ES1-S3 KLA: English, Science, Geography

Introduction: Watch Kate as she introduces the wonderful world of Nature Journals.

Video: Nature Journals (0:41 min)

Task 1: Nature Journal

It's time for students to venture outside with their nature journal (this could be a simple notebook) and have a relaxing connection with the natural world.

Find a nice place to sit that is safe and write down the date and location at the top of the page. Spend some quiet time at your selected location and notice what plants and animals are around. Look closely at the ground and the rocks and the trees. Look further away, as far as you can see. Now draw two plants and two animals in your journal. Include some labels to describe the external features. What colour are they? What size are they? For the plants, how do they feel?

While you are sitting there, we invite you to create a tally of the living things that you can observe.

Watch Nature Journalling as featured on Gardening Australia.

Gardening Aus Nature Journalling.mp4
Video: Gardening Australia's Nature Journalling - YouTube (1:13 min)

Task 2: What do living things need to survive?


Students choose one of the plants or animals from their nature journal that they saw outside.

Try to identify it using the chart on the left or the Bird ID website below.

On a new page in their nature journal, list all the things that the plant or animal would need to survive.

Task 3: Make a bug using natural resources

Go outside and collect some sticks and leaves and other natural resources. Glue them onto paper to create bug. Your bug should show your understanding about the external features. How many legs does it have? Does it have wings? Does it have antennae? Draw the bug’s habitat onto the paper. Take a photo of your finished product to upload.

More activities for your nature journals!

Download the Nature Journal prompts below. Print a copy and stick it into your nature journal.

My Nature Journal .pdf