
Week K – Stage 1

Welcome to Wednesday!

To complete today's activities, you will need:

a workbook

coloured pencils


a collection of objects (e.g. counters or dry pasta)

6 sided dice or 1-6 cards

5 pairs of socks (or small soft objects)

4 individual shoes

Care and Connect – caring for yourself, your family and your friends

Core muscles

Icon: watch video
Icon: listening task
Icon: hands-on task

Let's get started!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Core muscles

Duration: 0:59


You will need:

Icon: workbook
Icon: pencils

Describe using alliteration

Icon: watch video
Listening activity
Icon: speaking activity

Let's describe some pictures using words with the same initial sounds! We call this alliteration.

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Look at the picture of the fireworks in the video.

  • Describe the image using alliteration (words with the same initial sound).

For example: cool, colourful and cute.

Hint! Remember, the initial sound is the beginning sound.

  • Look at the other pictures in the video and describe each of them using alliteration.

Describe using same initial sounds

Duration: 4:06

Brain break

Let's recharge!

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on task

It’s time for a brain break so we can recharge for some more learning!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Indoor mountaineering
Duration: 1:38


Focus words: day, week, year

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

It's time to practise our handwriting skills. Get your workbook and your pencil ready!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • a pencil

  • your workbook.

Explicit handwriting instruction

Duration: 13:06

Virtual excursion

NSW National Parks

Icon: watch video
Icon: listening activity

Are you ready to go on a virtual excursion? This week we are visiting National Parks from across NSW!

Watch the video to find out how the Blue Mountains were named.

Hint! These are interactive videos. Use your mouse (or finger if you are using a touch screen) to look around!

360 Aboriginal Storytelling – Blue Mountains National Park

Duration: 3:53

Watch the video to discover Aboriginal culture on Sydney Harbour.

360 Aboriginal Storytelling – Sydney Harbour National Park

Duration: 4:02


You will need:

Icon: workbook
Icon: pencils
Dice or numeral cards 1-6

Counting to 100!

Watch video
Hands-on activity
Writing activity

Let's explore numbers!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • a collection of objects (e.g. counters or dry pasta)

  • pencils

  • your workbook.

Counting with understanding up to 100
Duration: 16:23

Sharing work

Share your thinking with your teacher:

101 and you're out!

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity
Icon: writing activity

Let's play another number game!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • dice or cards numbered 1-6

  • pencils

  • your workbook.

101 and you're out!
Duration: 4:29

Icon: speaking activity
Icon: writing activity
  • Did you get closer to 100 on your second go with the same numbers? Why do you think that was?

  • What advice would you give to someone playing this game for the first time?

For those who like a challenge!

Icon: speaking activity
Icon: writing activity
  • Increase the challenge by using numbers from 0-9.

  • Roll the dice four times and only use four lines on the game board.


You will need:

Icon: workbook
Icon: pencils

Ways to stay safe at home

Icon: watch video
Listening activity
Icon: writing activity

Let's explore different ways we can stay safe at home!

Watch the video and join in the activities.

You will need:

  • pencils

  • your workbook.

  • What is safety?

  • What are some different ways we can stay safe at home?

Hint! There are some examples in the drop downs below.

Your task:

  • Choose a room in your house (e.g. your bedroom, the kitchen, living room or the bathroom).

  • Draw and describe the things that keep you safe in this room.

Staying safe at home
Duration: 7:10

What is safety?

Safety means to be protected from being hurt, sick or in danger.

What are some different ways we can stay safe at home?

Kitchen safety:

  • walk when you are in the kitchen

  • keep medicines and cleaning items up high or in a locked cupboard.

Living room safety:

  • use power point covers on all power points (electrical safety)

  • have a working smoke alarm.

Important! Smoke alarm batteries should be changed every 12 months.

Bathroom safety:

  • an adult should check the water temperature

  • place a towel on the floor to soak up any water

  • keep electrical equipment in a cupboard away from water.

Icon: sharing work

Share your work with your teacher.

PE Challenge

You will need:



Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Let's practise our hopping skills!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • 5 pairs of socks (or small objects)

  • 4 individual shoes.

Duration: 24:03

Check-in survey – PDHPE

Icon: sharing

Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.

Environmental Education

You will need:

Icon: workbook
Icon: pencils

Investigating flowers

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Let's learn about flowers and how they work with insects to make fruits and seeds!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • pencils

  • your workbook.

  • Draw a picture of a flower, either from your backyard or from pictures in the video.

Investigating flowers
Duration: 7:39

Icon: sharing work

Share your work with your teacher.

Student voice

Icon: sharing

Show how you feel about your learning today.