Reflection and Feedback

Head Start Focused Reflection and Feedback Video (5 min)

Reflection and feedback allow the coach and coachee to identify progress toward the action plan goal based on the focused observation. Learn the benefits of reflection for a coach and teacher. Find out about the two types of feedback coaches offer to support education staff as they learn to implement teaching practices.

A Coaching Guide To Asking Reflective Questions

A guide to asking different types of questions with samples of potential question prompts.

email Coach Feedback

Email sample of coaching feedback including opening comment, data-based supportive feedback, corrective feedback with ideas or suggestions, planned action with embedded response request, closing encouragement statement.

Reflection and Feedback

Extensive description of the reflection and feedback cycle within PBC. Includes information on the importance of reflection and feedback; how to do reflection and feedback; samples of question prompts; email sample; support strategies used during debriefing sessions; and feedback delivery strategies.