
iSocial has intentionally designed their Pyramid Model Professional Development System, which includes coaching, to separate distinct aspects of the Pyramid Model Framework: Practice and Process. Practice-based Coaches support practitioners in increasing their application of the practices. Process Coaches support Leadership Teams in implementation systems development. This design is supported by the research done by National Implementation Research Network (NIRN), European Implementation Services (EIC) and Center for Effective Services (CES) in the document A Practice Guide to Supporting Implementation: What competencies do we need? (December 2020).

Practice-based Coaches (also referred to as Instructional Coaches) work with practitioners in Implementation Sites using a cyclical process that supports practitioners' use of effective teaching practices that lead to positive outcomes for all children. Practice-based coaching occurs in the context of collaborative partnerships. There are different delivery methods for this kind of coaching that include expert, group and reciprocal peer coaching and programs determine the delivery method that best suits their needs.

For more information on Practice-based Coaching click here.

Process Coaches (also referred to as Systems Coaches) work with Community Collaborative and Program Leadership Teams to support Pyramid Model implementation and build implementation capacity in teams, individuals and systems.

A Process Coach’s function is to:

  • Support Leadership Teams and their members in the implementation of the Pyramid Model Framework

  • Build implementation capacity in teams, individuals and systems

  • Carry out activities and processes that assist Leadership Teams, individuals and systems in implementing, improving, scaling and sustaining the Pyramid Model Framework to improve socio-emotional outcomes for young children and families, including those with disabilities

Definition and function adapted from A Practice Guide to Supporting Implementation What competencies do we need? (December 2020), NIRN, EIC & CES

For more information on Process Coaches and systems development click here.