Communications and storage
in our digital services

City of Gothenburg, Education Administration

All text, images, videos, and audio that I create and receive in my work are public documents that may be requested. These documents must be handled and stored securely. Below are tips and advice on how I, as an employee in the Education Administration, should approach these storage locations and how I should handle sensitive personal data and confidential documents.

What is a public document?

Almost all information handled by the Education Administration is considered public documents and can include text, images, and emails, among other things. What constitutes a public document is defined in the Freedom of the Press Act. Public documents are released upon request, and only information covered by confidentiality under the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act is exempt. The person requesting the document has the right to remain anonymous. Public documents must be preserved according to the Archives Act and discarded in accordance with disposal decisions. This is documented in our records management plan, which you can find among the governing documents on the intranet.

Sensitivity and Confidentiality

What is confidential information?

Information that is classified as confidential under the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act could cause harm to students or other individuals if disclosed.

What are sensitive and privacy-sensitive personal data?

Sensitive personal data are regulated by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and include information about ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, a person's sex life or sexual orientation, genetic data, and biometric data.

Privacy-sensitive personal data include, for example, information about social circumstances, details related to someone's private life, descriptions of relationships between students, or grades (other than individual partial grades for formative purposes).

Images and Film

Students may only be photographed and filmed for educational purposes and never in a context that could be perceived as offensive. In some cases, consent may need to be obtained from guardians, for example, if the material is to be published in public spaces.

Students must always be informed when photography or filming is taking place, and it should always be done with the organization’s camera or mobile device. No photos or videos of students are to be taken using personal equipment.

How can I work without including sensitive or confidential information in documents?

Remove personal data that could identify or be traced back to a specific student. This could include names, personal identification numbers, evaluations, or assessments of a person such as social skills, learning abilities, or other information related to the personal sphere.


As an employee of the Education Administration, whenever I handle personal data, it's always important to consider whether I am allowed to use this data, who I am permitted to share it with, where I can store it, and how I can document it — as well as what happens to the data when it is no longer needed. Visit the "Digital Competence General Data Protection Regulation" page for more information on approaches and guidelines.

Our Shared Digital Services/Storage Spaces

Also read: Rekommendation för lagring i Google/Vklass/Office

ikon Outlook

What is it?

Email, calendar, and to-do list, which are part of Office 365. A service for all employees connected to the City Account. The service can be accessed via the internet regardless of digital equipment.

Person in Charge


What to do?

Opened daily.  

Emails containing sensitive or confidential information must be sent securely.


Handle sensitive or confidential information that arrives immediately.  

Emails containing sensitive or confidential information must be sent securely.

ikon OneDrive

What is it?

A space in Office 365 to create, share, and store personal work files. The space can be accessed via the internet regardless of digital equipment.

Person in Charge


What to do?

Here, I can create and store files. I can share files with colleagues in the city and collaborate on editing.


When I leave, OneDrive is deleted after 30 days. If my colleagues need continued access to files, they should be transferred. Files that need to be preserved are moved to the appropriate IT system or printed for archiving. If sensitive or confidential information needs to be handled in OneDrive, the data should be anonymized.

ikon SharePoint

What is it?

A space in Office 365 for shared work files within a staff group. The space can be accessed via the internet regardless of digital equipment.

Person in Charge

The designated owner is responsible for the space and the overall content. Each member is responsible for the content they create and store.

What to do?

Here, I can create and store files that are automatically shared with all members of the space.


 Files remain in the space even if I leave.  

If sensitive or confidential information needs to be handled, the data should be anonymized.

ikon Gmail

What is it?

Email and calendar exclusively for students. The service can be accessed via the internet regardless of digital equipment.

Person in Charge


What to do?

Internal and external communication

ikon Google Drive
Drive Google Workspace

What is it?

A space in Google Workspace to create, share, and store personal work files for staff and students that are neither sensitive nor privacy-sensitive. The space can be accessed via the internet regardless of digital equipment.

Person in Charge


What to do?

Here, I can create and store work files related to pedagogical work with students and administrative tasks within the school. I can share files with students and colleagues within the school administrations and collaborate on editing. No sensitive or privacy-sensitive personal data should be stored here.


When I leave, Google Workspace Drive is deleted. If my colleagues need continued access to files, they should be transferred. Files that need to be preserved are moved to the appropriate IT system or printed for archiving. No sensitive or privacy-sensitive personal data should be stored here.

ikon Google delade enheter
Delade enheter Google Workspace

What is it?

A space in Google Workspace for shared work files within a student, staff, or course group. The space can be accessed via the internet regardless of digital equipment.

Person in Charge

The members of the group are responsible for the content.

What to do?

Here, I can create and store work files related to pedagogical and internal school tasks, which are automatically shared with all members of the space. No sensitive or privacy-sensitive personal data should be stored here.


Files remain in the space even if I leave. No sensitive or privacy-sensitive personal data should be stored here.


What is it?

Student administrative tools that complement the formative learning environment in Google (e.g., development talks, special support, extra adjustments, absence reporting, summative assessments, personal notes, etc.). Provides the ability to store files, primarily those that guardians should have access to.

Person in Charge


Information related to class, course, special support: Responsible teacher, principal, student health services.

What to do?

Follow the school's guidelines on which tools in Vklass should be used and how to use them.


Handling of sensitive information should only be done in the "Special Support" module or the "Personal Notes" tool.


What is it?

A communication service in Vklass that allows for sending messages and posting news to students, staff, and guardians.

Person in Charge


What to do?

Here, you can send messages to students and staff, and post news to students, staff, and guardians. Follow the school's guidelines for communication in Vklass.


Handling of sensitive information should only take place in the "Special Support" module or the "Personal Notes" tool.


Hemkata-log (H:) Mina dokument

What is it?

A space linked to the City Account for creating and storing personal work files. The space is accessed via a City computer.

Person in Charge


What to do?

Here, I can store work files.  

If there is a need to handle sensitive or confidential information, the data must be anonymized.


When I end my employment, the Home Directory is deleted.  

Files that need to be preserved are transferred to the appropriate IT system or printed for archiving. If there is a need to handle sensitive or confidential information, the data must be anonymized.  


Gemensam katalog  (I:) 

What is it?

A staff space linked to the City Account for creating and storing shared work files. The space is accessed via a City computer.

Person in Charge

Those with access are responsible for the content.

What to do?

Here, I can store shared work files for a staff group. Simultaneous editing of documents is not possible.  

If there is a need to handle sensitive or confidential information, the data must be anonymized.


It is not possible to share documents with anyone outside those who have access to the space. If there is a need to handle sensitive or confidential information, the data must be anonymized.

ikon Laptop
Lokalt på dator PC eller Mac

What is it?

A space on the computer's desktop or under C: drive. The space can only be accessed from a specific computer.

Person in Charge


What to do?

Here, I can temporarily store work files.  

If there is a need to handle sensitive or confidential information, the data must be anonymized.


If the computer breaks or needs to be reinstalled, everything saved locally will be deleted and cannot be recovered. If there is a need to handle sensitive or confidential information, the data must be anonymized.

ikon USB
USB-minne, extern hårddisk

What is it?

An external space for file storage.

Person in Charge


What to do?

Here, I can temporarily store work files. If there is a need to handle sensitive or confidential information, the data must be anonymized.


If the equipment breaks, the information cannot be recovered.



What is it?

A documentation system for the collective professions of the student health team. Only the student health team has access to the system.

Person in Charge

Myself and members of the student health team.

What to do?

The ability to store sensitive and confidential information, except for students with temporary ID numbers (TF-nummer) and those with protected identities.


I can only work in PMO if I am part of the student health staff.

Recommendation for storage in Google/Office/Vklass